Germany, 1972, 100 minutes, Colour.
Wolfgang Bachler, Maria Bruner, Margarethe von Trotta.
Directed by Volker Schloendorff.
Summer Lightning is a telemovie about Germans of the 1970s, marriage and relationships and tensions. It was co-written by the director Volker Schlondorff with his then wife Margarethe von Trotta who portrays the central character, Elizabeth.
Schlondorff was to continue for several decades with a very strong career with an Oscar for The Tin Drum in 1979. Margarethe von Trotta also became a distinguished director with many awards including The Long Silence and Rosenstrasse.
Of interest as an early film, made for television, but a stepping stone in the careers of Schlondorff and von Trotta.
1. The meaning of the title as explained in the film? The alternate title of Stray Fire?
2. The qualities of the film as a German film? The style, atmosphere? The presentation of Germany and German characters? The contrast with the presentation of Germans in Italy? The film for a German audience?
A more universal audience?
3. The film presenting visually the style of the seventies? The atmosphere? The light touch, the serious touch? The irony and the cynicism? A portrait of the social aspects of Germany? A placing of persons in this environment? The mutual relationship between persons and environment?
4. The themes of men and women and their relationships? Women and their emancipation? The difference between male and female responses to the characters in this film? Themes of society. lay? Traditions and the Church? Work and job opportunities? The truisms of the past as applied to people trying to cope in the seventies?
5. The impression of the opening with Elizabeth riding her bike to the court? The atmosphere of the divorce and the atmosphere of the court itself, evidence, personal revelations? The focus on Elizabeth without explanation on her side? Audience sympathy for her and hostility towards Helmut? Was this justified in the rest of the film?
6. The presentation of Elizabeth and Helmut at work? What they had in common? The reason for their marriage break-up? Indications of blame on both parts? The presence of Oskar amongst the writers? The importance of Elizabeth's going for such a long journey with him? What did she learn during the journey? Oskar's response? The importance of her decision to return to Munich? Helmut and his reaction to Elizabeth's behaviour, his preoccupation with himself? How is this illustrated in the sequences with Nikky? Elizabeth wanting to take her books? Their discussion about blame? The various visits that Elizabeth made and the discussions with the neighbour who looked after Nikky? Helmut’s wanting to take the home?
7. The film's insight into the theme of marriage? What is required, why it fails? Helmut and his attitude towards remarrying? The contrast with Elizabeth's behaviour with Oskar, with the Director of the gallery and his discussions about sexuality and Willhelm Reich? The fact that the film ended with Elizabeth's remarriage? Would it give her a sense of permanence and purpose in life?
8. How well did the film show the realities of divorce and the repercussions on people's feelings, lives? The amount of hurt, the need to cope? The importance of proving things and disproving things? The wife having to prove herself in order to have custody of her child? The importance of the sequences with Elizabeth and her legal advisor?
9. Elizabeth and her personality? The people with whom she lived? The importance of the sequences with the pregnant friend, her apartment? Her friends?
10. The significance of the work sequences and Elizabeth trying to get jobs? The importance of her singing lessons and her future in singing, the dancing lessons and the romantic overtones of Hollywood? Her age and lack of ability and training? The importance of her work as a tour guide during the Games, the encounter with the Japanese visitors and their photographs? Her work in the store? Her work in the gallery (and the detailed tour of the gallery)and the friendly conversation about art and meaning with the co-director?
11. The importance of music and dancers background to the film? The significance of the fantasy of Oskar in the musical number in the store? The singing on the part of Elizabeth and the songs sung?
12. The dramatic significance of the trip to Milan? The evident amorous intent of the director? Elizabeth and her reaction and warding him off? Her ability at work? The reaction of the director and her leaving the job? The significance of her inviting Oskar to Italy? The affair in Italy? Italy as a suitable environment, the way that the Italian countryside was photographed, the places, the countryside, the people? The significance of the bond between Oscar and Elizabeth?
13. The film's highlighting of Elizabeth as a happy person, her wanting Nikky, the sorrow and pain that her ex-husband was causing her? The importance of the sequences with her child?
14. Helmut and his remarriage and the attitude of his new wife? Elizabeth and her visits? Her decision to remarry - the atmosphere of the ceremony and the hope for the future?
15. What future would Elizabeth have? For what was she groping? As a person, as a woman, in German society in the 70's?