1. The meaning of the title, application to themes, irony?
2. For what interests was this film made? For what age groups? Does it seem dated now or not?
3. How interesting was the film as a piece of Americana? The picturing of the drop-outs of the sixties, the hippie type atmosphere, California and Malibu? American heroes and non- heroes? American crime?
4. How important was the colour psychedelic atmosphere, modern music, wide screen?
5. The importance of the structure? Flashbacks? Did it involve the audience, or complicate the plot?
6. Where were audience sympathies directed? Which characters evoked most interest? What kind of people were presented?
7. Collie and Denny? What kind of characters? The reason for their existence, their life style? The atmosphere of surfing? Their self-centred behaviour, their standards, interest in others? Capacity for living, working? The violence inherent in their life style (the neighbour with the gun?) ambitions, painlessness? The question of age and achievement? The contrast between the two characters? Denny's changing and getting out while he could?
8. Was Vicky an attractive heroine? Our first knowledge through the accident, her parents, Denny? The presentation of her via Denny's memory? The truth about her? Her /involvement in Hollywood, with the producer? violence? The reconciliation with Denny? What future?
9. Comment on the film's presentation of Malabu. Collie's friends the characters,, their style of life, the worthwhileness of their life? The films comment on their escapism?
10. The contrast with Vicky's parents? The comparison with Malibu? The film's comment of this?
11. The picture of the bikies, their standards?
12. The ironic picture of Hollywood and the of producers,
contracts, violence?
13. Was there much insight in this picture of California? How entertaining? How valuable, a means of escapism?