UK, 1978, 95 minutes, Colour.
Joan Collins, Oliver Tobias.
Directed by Quentin Masters.
A rather glossy, ugly picture of contemporary morals and lack of them in England. Based on a novel by Jackie Collins, sister of Joan Collins who plays the leading role, it is the story of a young man-about-town who lacks moral sense and who uses women to further his career without realizing that he is being used himself. The conventional plot material is treated in the 'with it' kind of way. The treatment is rather ambiguous because, while the general point is against the empty worthlessness of the lives of the main characters, it is presented in such a way as to be at least attractive at the moment. The acts, suggestions of immorality, the use of the contemporary songs of 1978-79 for background all highlight this. Direction in by Australian director Quentin Masters who has worked in British television. A film echoing some of the trends of the seventies. It is a record of some of the permissive styles of the times.
1 . The title, the tone?
2. The picture of contemporary society in its glossy ugliness? Sexuality, amorality, people using one another, hedonism? The background of soft core pornography styles? How accurate a picture of this kind of society and its behaviour?
3. The film's point of view: presenting the glossy surface and an amoral point of view, the emphasis on glitter, wealth, success? The film using the styles that it criticises?
4. The title and the credits sequence with the photos and the emphasis on Tony? The photos of all the women around his room? The way that he related to them, used them? The film emphasizing his attraction? Oliver Tobias's appearance, style, way of speaking? The irony of his working class background and relationship with his mother? His being used by Fontaine, managing the club, his pride in this? His relationship with Fontaine, the sequence in the lift and the televising? His relationship to Fontaine's husband? Alexandra’s resentment towards him, his falling in love with her, each using the other? Alexandra being like her stepmother and Tony being the victim? Vanessa and Leonard and their use of him? How much a surface study of this kind of young man-about-town on the make? The critique of his bourgeoise attitudes? His ambitions and wanting to do a deal for the night club? His relationship with the gangsters and his being ditched? Credible situation. character? The point being made?
5. Joan Collins and her glamour as Fontaine? Her wealth and her husband and using him, the lack of relationship with Alexandra? her using Tony and her outings with him? Sexual relationship? Being filmed, using the film, sharing it with Vanessa? Her talk, at the massage parlour with Vanessa? Shopping, parties, Paris and the orgy? The irony of her being found out and her husband's cutting her off? Her survival capacity after being broken, reviving with a new friend? A portrait of a wealthy emotional woman who used people?
6. The contrast with Alexandra at school, fights with her stepmother, her love for her father, her fiance and his insipid behaviour. her relationship with Tony, sexual liaison, inviting him home and humiliating him?
7. A portrait of the wealthy rich, the ‘filthy rich’? The details of business, parties, morality?
8. The contrast with Tony when he was lost, at home with his mother, being taunted? Audience sympathy for him or not?
9. The value in seeing and experiencing this kind of sketch of the world of the seventies? How exploitative was the film?