US, 1941, 134 minutes, Black and white.
Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan, Joan Leslie, George Tobias, Stanley Ridges, Margaret Wycherly, Ward Bond, Noah Beery Jr, June Lockhart, Dickie Moore, Howard da Silva.
Directed by Howard Hawks.
Alvin C. York was one of America’s First World War heroes. From the backblocks, he was an excellent shooter, sent to the war in Europe as a sniper and sharpshooter. Though a declared pacifist, his experience of the war and its tensions and struggles convinced him that he ought to commit himself to fight for his country.
Gary Cooper won the first of his two Oscars (the other for High Noon) for this performance. Walter Brennan as the pastor was also nominated for best supporting actor (but had already won three of them by this stage). Joan Leslie is charming as Gracie Williams. Margaret Wycherly has a strong role as York’s mother (a great contrast to her mother of James Cagney in White Heat).
The film was directed by Howard Hawks who by this stage of his career had directed quite a range of genres including comedy with Bringing Up Baby, aerial action with Only Angels Have Wings, comedy with Ball of Fire. He was to go on to direct a number of classic films, also with a wide range, including Red River, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and Rio Bravo.
1. Impact of the film now? During 1941? Gary Cooper’s Oscar? Why is the film now considered a classic?
2. The film was directed by Howard Hawkes, a director of action films. How well wore the action sequences treated? how well did Hawks communicatate war and religious issues is picture of America at the time of World War I?
3. The war framework for the film? the first World War being remembered during the second World War? Audience response to war and its issues? The importance for America and its entry into World War its understanding of its own principles, its purpose in joining World War II? Themes of American religious consciousness and conscience? The impact of these issues now? How have the ideues changed?
4. The theme of patriotism throughout the film? The demands of patriotism on every American, no matter what his background? How important.is it to be an American? To be an American in war? The heroism of the war hero as was Sergeant York?
5. The importance of the black and white photography, the presentation of Tennessee and its landscapes and variety, the way of life of the second decade of the 20th century? and its landscapes and beauty, the way of life of the second decade of the twentieth century, country and southern life, the contrast with soldier training, the war of the trenches, the city? The impact of Sergeant York himself? As a real hero of America? As portrayed by Gary Cooper and the particular quality that Gary Cooper brought to the portrayal? Betting him In his ordinary way of lifeg a rowdy young man, in his place and in his times e.g. hie drinking, his work. his ambitions to buy land? The tenderness of his relationship with his mother? With his sister? His love for Gracie? Comment on the presentation of emotional relationships and audience response to these. How attractive a heroine was Gracie? As a girl of WM£11e and the time? Her love for Alvin York? His dedication to her, her being a motive for his ambitions? The significance and buildup of the turkey shoot? As an enjoyable incident in itself, as revealing York's character, his motivations for Gracie? The bottom land, his visiting it, his surveying it with Gracie and their hopes?
8. The presentation of York in his reputation, his style of life, the opinions of the various people in the town? Their opinion of him?
9. The dramatic importance of Pastor Rosier Pile? As meeting him in his preaching and in ministry, his particular style of old-time religion, singing, simple faith in God? His religious principles and the guidance of the township? His shop, the way of life of the people who went to his shop? The travellers and visitors?
10. The buildup to the important sequence of Alvin's conversion? His drinking, the atmosphere of the storm, his being frightened, his hearing the hymn, the entry into the church, the emotional. buildup, the immediacy of the conversion, the pastor and his people and their response, the beginning of the full conversion?
How religiously was this sequence presented? How convincing as a genuine religious experience?
11. The sequence of the training for war, the loneliness of York away from his home and family? The transition from his mother, sister and household, the town and Gracie and the way of life amongst the soldiers? The comedy and the serious side of the training for war?
12. The importance of the issues of war and his principles of non-violence? His analysis of American history and his reading the book, the issues of violence and non-violence? The importance after the scenes of warfare for his reasons? To stop the killing rather than to kill people? How were these principles put into practice during the actual trench sequences, the deaths of his friends, the devices he used in order to lure the Germans and capture them? How credible were the action scenes for showing the heroics of Sergeant York?
13. The background of the characters and friends in the army? Pusher, the various deaths and their impact on Alvin York?
14. How important were the various decisions that he made about his own role in the war, the achievement and his success? People's reaction to this?
15. The significance of the New York sequences, the celebration, the decorations, the offers for advertising, the commercialisation of his success, his explanation of his principles and beliefs, his yearning for being back home?
16. How appropriate was the happy ending, the train arriving at home, meeting his mother, finding Gracie and seeing their home and the land they possessed? The vision of American achievement and success? How particularly American was the film in its exploration of war and values?