US, 1981, 91 minutes, Colour.
Dayton Ka’ne, Maren Jensen.
Directed by Frank C. Clarke.
It follows in the seventies' tradition of Jaws and other films about sharks and fish. However, in this film the shark is benign and a friend of the hero and only menaces bad people! It is based on a novel Ti-koyo and his Shark by Clement Richer. It had previously been filmed under the title of Ti-koyo and the Shark, a French-Italian? co-production in 1962 by Falco Quilici.
The present film is a De Laurentiis production. It was filmed in the same location as his Hurricane and uses the same star Dayton Ka’ne. The film is a pleasant romance, a colourful presentation of the Samoan way of life, a comment on the intrusions of big business and Americanisation. However, it works at a very light pleasing level rather than great substance.
1. An entertaining romantic adventure? Soutli Sea Islands modern story? A film about sharks, their threats, the bond between the boy and the man and his shark?
2. The South Sea Island conventions, the islands and their way of life, beauty, weather? Diving. and fishing? The shark and his attack, friendship? The more primitive way of life and the intrusion of business? The climaxes? The romance? Conventional material ? more?
3. The assets of the location colour photography? Underwater photography? The natural sets? The special effects especially for the diving, the shark? Weather sequences? The South Sea Island style score?
4. The basic plot? Ti-koyo as a boy and his friendship with Diane? The bonds between the two and Diane’s going to America to study and her later return? The friendship with the shark? The advice of the wise man from Hawaii and on his death his spirit entering the shark? The bond between man and shark? The black pearls? The primitive and isolated way of life of Ti-koyo, the resumption of his romance with Diane? The clash with Diane's brother, the Japanese businessmen? happy ending? Conventional material? Realism, fantasy?
5. Ti-koyo as a boy, the destructiveness of sharks,the death of the mother shark, the saving of the baby? His bringing it up and training it? Friendship and companionship? lyrical scenes? The advice of the old Hawaiian, the chart for the black pearls and the right time to dive for them? The friendship with Diane and their playing together? Ti-koyo's growing up, the shark's growing and their constant companionship? protection? The death of the old man and his story about his spirit going into the shark? The film's presentation of this protection by the spirit? the attack on the sophisticated party etc.? The friendship with Diane? The love affair and its consummation? Ti-koyo and the encroachment of progress? The options for Diane and her staying with him? Their future together in the islands? An attractive Samoan hero?
6. The portrait of Diane, her family and background, wealth? Control of industry? tier playing with Ti-koyo as a girl? Her studying in America, her changing to the American way of life, her return? Her girl friend? Parties, sophistication? The memories of Ti-koyo, her going with him, the love affair? Her reaction to the shark? The decisions, dangers? Her final decision?
7. Her girl friend and the giggly romantic attitudes, the Samoan sailor who didn't understand her? A satiric touch?
8. Diane's brother and his power backing, plans for the hotel, the dead body and taking it out to sea and concealing it, its being washed up, fear of shark scares? The Japanese and their plans for building? The divers for the pearls and the attack of the shark?
9. The presence of the shark, character, in the spirit within him, his attacks, the buildings, the people?
10. The happy ending after the clash between primitive and peaceful civilisation and American and commercial civilisation?
11. The basic point of the film - as the story of Ti-koyo and the shark, a romance, a Samoan story?