Japan, 1962, 96 minutes, Black and white.
Toshiro Mifune.
Directed by Akira Kurosawa.
Sanjuro is one of the several films made by Akira Kurosawa with star Toshiro Mifune. Many of them had samurai stories, especially The Seven Samurai, Rashomon, Yojimbo.
The film is very much an 18th century story of corruption, corrupt authorities, clans, kidnappings, samurai coming to the aid of those in need, action.
By this stage, Toshira Mifune was expert at acting in this kind of film. Kurosawa had become a world leading director by this time, having begun his career in the 1940s and continuing it with many outstanding films in the 1950s. Variations on the theme occur in Throne of Blood, his version of Macbeth. He also did some contemporary stories, for example, High and Low. Towards the end of his career, he moved to colourful ethnic films like Dodeskaden and Dersu Uzala. However, his final films included Kagemusha and Ran (his version of King Lear). His films were a great influence on Sergio Leone whose film, A Fistful of Dollars, was an adaptation of Yojimbo.
1. How interesting a film was this for non-Japanese audiences? Why? What was impressive about the style of the film? Black and white photography, musical background, use of Panavision?
2. How important was the Samurai atmosphere of the film? The legends of Japanese history? The village and life within the village? Power and violence and corruption? The Samurai as saviours by violence? The loyalty this aroused, admirationl? Did the director admire the Samurai and his style of life? Does the audience of this film? Why?
3. What insight into Japan and its history, its characters and style of life, its codes and its manners do films like this give? Why?
4. Comment on the presentation of the town in this film - its corruption, the roles of good and evil?
5. How important were the idealistic young men in this film? Their impulsive behaviour. Their idealism about good, the fact that they were deceived by appearances and could not see reality? The number of mistakes they made, even at the risk of death? what comment was being made on Samurai in this film?
6. How attractive a Samurai hero was Sanjuro? His overhearing the young men, his deciding to intervene, his wisdom and experience in contrast with theirs? His ability and ease? His relating with the young men? His having to make good their many mistakes? The young men's loyalty to him? The insight into relationship between disciple and master?
7. What insight into society did the presentation of this town give? Appearances and realities of officials? Corruption and goodness? The corruption of power with violence? The style of behaviour in the town?
8. With what admiration did the director present Sanjuro with his devices and wit, his encountering dangers, his saving people? Which incidents best illustrated this for you?
9. Comment on the staging for the fights. the implicit violence, violence as a saving of people? Did this seem overdone or was it appropriate for Sanjuro?
10. American writers have seen a link between the westerns and the Samurai stories and films. Is this a useful insight into understanding film like this?