US, 1934, 93 minutes, Black and white.
Joan Crawford, Gene Raymond, Franchot Tone, Edward Arnold.
Directed by Clarence Brown.
Is a very little-known Joan Crawford vehicle of the early 30s. It was directed with MGM flair and style by Clarence Brown, one of Greta Garbo's favourite directors and later to make such films as National Valvet and The Yearling. Joan Crawford dominates in the film and gives a performance not unlike many of the roles she was to take - a strong woman, who made mistakes, a rag to riches success but whose heart can be aprealed to. Her leading men certainly don't seem as strong beside her - Franchot Tone whom she married and Gene Raymond who was very popular at the time. There is a very good performance by Edward Arnold - considering that for practically all of the time he is on the screen he has to be drunk. There is a depression background, a social awareness. It is very much the story of the American Dream of poverty to success but the film ends with Sadie accepting human realities. It is very enjoyable soap opera of the 30's and stands up well today.
1. The impact of this film today - as a film of the 30's. style and content, depression background, American soap opera? Its quality for enjoyment?
2. The MGM production days of the 30's, black and white photography, musical score, attention given to sets and costume, atmosphere?
3. The perennial appeal of soap opera? Human nature, melodramatic situations, contrived situations, emotional crises? Their appeal in this film, style? Audiences accepting the contrived conventions of human beings in soap opera? Themes of right and wrong, good and bad, conscience? the film as a Joan Crawford vehicle? The title and the references to her name during the film? To her mother? A strong woman, poor, vivacious, emotional, making wrong judgments especially about men? Tempted to control men and to selfishness, resisting the temptation and becoming heroic - and poor? The idealized American woman? The American heroine? Joan Crawford's particular presence and style?
5. The treatment of the American theme of rags to riches, the temptation to control? The challenge and Sadie's response? The choices behind her motives for her choices?
6. The atmosphere of the 30's, the background of the Depression and poverty especially in New York? Wealthy families, the servants? The social comment on the disparity of wealth in American society during the Depression? The American Dream of getting out of poverty? How authentic did the film seem in presenting its setting and people within this setting? Its tendency to moralise and to preach through the soap opera and its situations?
7. The initial impact of Sadie, the rich men calling her a thoroughbred and the repercussions of this throughout the film? Her role in the family, as a maid, playing games with Michael and her hopes for marriage? Her love for Tommy? Her reaction to family and Michael's criticism and telling them off? The impulsive going with Tommy and blinding herself to his guilt? Getting on the train, the quality of her love and its impulsiveness? The film's portrait of Tommy? his background of poverty, his place in the town, his guilt and his capacity for lying? His charm? His love for Badic? going to New York and glad that she came on the train? Their initial meal in New York and counting their coins? Their friend and the room and their decision to stay? Propriety as regards their not being married? The plans for the marriage, Sadie's enthusiasm? Tommy and temptation and Dolly? Enjoying the singing, the prospects of the job? His poor job and being a atooge for Dolly and yet making money? The repercussion for his life in the theatre with Dolly? Seeing Sadie and the reaction, the telephone call? His going downhill, in New Orleans and ill health? Michael seeking him out and his illness in the hospital? The final visit of Sadie and his quiet dying in her presence? The meaning of his love? What kind of man? The contrast with Michael and his wealth, his arrival home, the memories of childhood with Sadie, his arrogance especially towards Tommy and yet his insight into the truth? His continual hostility towards Sadie especially at the night club with Jack, the wedding? His suspicions that she would murder him? His change of heart when he saw what she did, his seeking out Tommy and helping him? The prospect of a happy future with the birthday party and his blowing out the candles on the cake with the wish? The contrast with Tommy? An alternate hero?
10. The introduction of Jack to the film? Edward Arnold's performance, considering that he was drunk through most of It? The impact of his personality, his presence? The portrait of the playboy during the Depression, the millionaire splashing around the money, picking up Sadie, his paying the orchestra and their singing all night? The proprietor and his fawning over Jack? Champagne for all the guests? The inevitability of his proposing to Sadie? and his repitition of his remarks especially about her name and her mother? Sadie sitting with him holding her confronting, and glaring at Michael, her decision to marry him? The return and their beine, drunky the house are the servants? Jack and his continual drunkenness e.g. brought home by the police? (And their behaviour with the taxi driver with Sadie giving them the money?) The doctor and the hospitalisation of Jack? Her decision to sober him up and save his life and yet Finnigan giving him the bottle and his hiding it under the pillow? The physical clash with Sadie and his punching her? His impulsiveness in giving her gifts - the shopping before the wedding and her friend getting the bracelet etc.? His hostility and violence? The fall down the stairs? Sadie and her confronting Finnigan and firing him, the confrontation with the staff and persuading them to help her? His being restored to health? What kind of man was he in good health? The night club sequence - his forbearance and tolerance in listening to Sadie and her story about Tommy, letting her go? His gratitude for her for his life? What kind of man was he? How admirable was he meant to be at the end?
11. The importance of servants especially Finnigan and his waiting on Jack, his dispising of Sadie? His giving Jack the drink? His phone call to Michael, his insults to Sadie to the staff? His decision to help her?
12. Sadie's friend and the initial charity on the arrival in New York, getting her the job as the dancer? Being the bridesmaid? The sequence in the store with the jewellery and the clothes? The visit to the theatre to see Tommy? The continued help and presence at the end?
13. The contrast with Dolly and her taking Tommy, the performances, the finale and the confrontation with Sadle? The irony of her new assistant and the insinuation of homosexuality and Sadie's smile?
14. Sadie's wealth and her adaptation to it, to society? The comparison with the place where she was brought up? The contrast with New York, the streets, poverty, the apartment and the curious landlady and her taking of the money? Night clubs? The presentation of wealth and poverty?
15. Tommy dying in hospital and the doctors and the truth, Sadie and her sadness. Tommy's peaceful death? The soap operate effects? the contrast with the hero dying instead of the heroine?
16. The final portrait of Sadie? as a woman, strengths, weaknesses? Letting things happen, making mistakes, her passionate nature, her hardness? Her friends, her decision to help Jack and her achievement? Her giXing up her wealth for the truth lpnd love? The idealised American heroine?
17. The values in audiences presupposed by this kind of melodrama? moral stances, truth, right and wrong? Hollywood morals and the way they correspond to popular attitudes?