Italy, 1962, 106 minutes, Black and white.
Vittorio Gassman, Catherine Spaak, Jean- Louis Trintignant.
Directed by Dino Risi.
Il Sorpasso is a road film of the early 1960s, the story of a journey of awareness and maturing by a shy law student, working in Rome, who meets a forty-year-old man of moods who takes him for a drive through the Italian countryside, visiting both families, enabling the young man to see the vitality of the older man but also his superficiality.
The film was directed by the prolific Dino Risi, who directed eighty films and television films between 1946 and 2002. The story comes from veteran Italian writer-director, Ettore Scola. The cast is strong with Roberto played by a young Jean- Louis Trintignant and veteran Vittorio Gassman as the forty-year-old Bruno.
The film has become something of a minor Italian classic with its insight into human nature and its re-creation of the period.
1. A good Italian comedy? The Italian response, the international response?
2. The meaning of the title, its literal reference to overtaking and the ways this was visualised? A figurative overtaking? Indication of theme? The audience response to the daring, the exhilaration, the danger, the driving? The fascination with Bruno? Identifying perhaps with Roberto and being taken out of the ordinary way of life?
3. The atmosphere, authentic backgrounds, the clear black and white photography, the Roman locations and the voyage from Rome to the north? The city during the August holidays, the highway, coastal scenery? The homes, the apartments in the city, the country homes? The atmosphere of Italy during the submer holidays? the importance of its holiday atmosphere for the plot, the themes?
4. The quality of the brisk editing, the brisk style versus the pensive shots, especially of Roberto trying to cope with what was happening to him? the subjective shots of the speeding driving? The bright meals, the songs, holiday atmosphere, particularly Italian?
5. The credibility of the plot, the study of an introvert being taken out of himself by an extrovert? the details of the plot and whether this would actually happen as such? The realism of the plot and the characterisation, a wish fulfillment on the part of the introvert? How did Bruno and Roberto illustrate the two aspects of human nature? How did the audience response depend on its own temperament?
6. The initial impact of Bruno, Vittorio Gassman and his style, the skill of his characterisation? How likeable was he? How overwhelming? Did the audience agree with his outlook on life, his behaviour, impulsiveness, friendship with Roberto ? The irony of it actually leading to Roberto’s death? the quick delineation of Bruno's character, his driving, entering Roberto’s house, interrupting his way of life, phoning, washing, his push? His borrowing money, quick talk, boasting and laughing? His basic drive as a person? The influence and his leadership? His strengths of character in his joy? The film’s initial presentation of his irresponbility, impulsiveness, caring and not caring? His shrewdness? The fact that he was the death of Roberto?
7. The contrast with Roberto: his study, his values as a student, his introvert personality, shyness? His shock at the impact of Bruno? his monologues and doing the opposite? His being dead to escape? The rousing of his sense of wonder, questioning, the possibility of change? When did he change? how much? how well did he enjoy the day? An invitation to life? The significance that it did not take him to life but to death? How well had he lived on his last day?
8. How well did the film build up its atmospfhere by the details of the day out with the two men? The search for a place to eat and all the ups and downs, the reaction to the various people, the comic sequences, delightful yet Bruno as an irritating kind of person? His behaviour on the road, with the girls, with the old man? His love of music, his chattering, speeding?
9. Bruno and romantics romanticism, sexuality? The atmosphere of the dinner, the sed uction? Robertols reaction ?
10. The importance of the visit to Bruno’s family estate; leaving Roberto and then coming back , the questions about the future? Bruno becoming more pensive, the encounter with his aunt, into the past, the tour of the house, the attention to detail, and what happened during the visit? Bruno and his cousin?
11. The buildup to the drinking and inhibitions?
12. Bruno's story, contrast with Roberto? Wife, daughter, fiance?
13. Roberto and his observing all of this, the appeal to his romanticism, wonder - how had he changed, the next day after the visit to the home? The nature of his loosening up, the day on the beach?
14. The film's buildup of Roberto and a new outlook on life and the suddenness of the crash? The effect on Bruno? To what purpose the overtaking, the day out, the encounter between these two men? An ironic parable of the meaninglessness of so much of life?