US, 1950, 111 minutes, Black and white.
William Holden, Gloria Swanson, Erich Von Stroheim, Nancy Olsen, Fred Clark, Jack Webb, Cecil B. DeMille?, Hedda Hopper, H. B. Warner, Buster Keaton.
Directed by Billy Wilder.
Sunset Boulevarde is an extraordinary film on many counts. William Hoiden gives a good performance as a Hollywood hack who becomes an ageing silent star's kept man. Gloria Swanson as the neurotic actress turns on a performance that must be close to self-parody, but that is melodramatically marvellous. Silent film-director genius, Erich Von Strohelm, portrays an ex-silent screen director who acts as the actress' butler, chauffeur and protector. Cecil B. DeMille? and others portray themselves.
For 1950, the treatment of Hollywood was harsh. So many of the myths am the way of life are exposed in a harsh light. The legends of the 20's live on in the baroque mansion on Sunset Boulevarde and they clash with seediness of the hacks of the 40's and 50's. However, this world is shown as unreal, neurotic and, finally, insane.
Director Billy Wilder writes his films and directs them. (He has two Oscars, The Lost Weekend, 1945, and The Apartment, 1960). He is a quick wltted man, humorous, cutting, so that his films are skilfully made and a delight to listen to. This film has all his best ingredients. Other successes include The Major and the Minor (1942), Stalag 17 (1953), Witness for the Prosecution (1957) and one of the most hilarious films of all, Some Like 1t Hot (1959).
For a thought-provoking, well-made film, Sunset Boulevarde should be seen and discussed.
1. What are the overtones of Sunset Boulevarde, Hollywood, and its way of life?
2. Was the opening technique effective - the atmosphere of a murder and the narration by the murdered man? Joe said he wanted to give the true version before the papers got hold of it. Is reality usually different from the way it is written up?
3. Was Joe Gillis a typical Hollywood writer in his mediocre talent, lack of success, and trying to live by his wits, avoiding the finance companies and trying to persuade producers?
4. Did you feel sorry for Joe in the treatment that he got from the producer, Betty Schaeffer, the agent, the finance men?
5. What were your first impressions of Norma Desmond and the dead chimpanzee?
6. What had gone wrong with Norma Desmond? Was she a great star? Why had she not stayed in films? Was it because of the change from silent to sound film that the pictures became smaller and Hollywood talent lessened?
7. How did Norma Desmond embody the legends of the Hollywood stars - what role did the house play, her car, her wealth, her fans, her photo, films, vanity, Max, her manner and bearing, her imperious way, the dree of a 'return' (not a comeback), her refusal to age, the 'Salome' project, her attempted suicides? How was her owning of Joe part of the same process?
8. Why did Joe allow himself to be owned against his will? He thought he had manoeuvred her into giving him a job. She really manouvred him. Why did he find it humiliating - her giving him money, buying him clothes?
9. Did Norma love Joe or merely depend on him? Did she love Max? What role did he play in her life? Were you surprised that he sent all her fan-mail? Were you surprised to learn ne was her first husband?
10. What was the effect of watching her watch her own films and show her profile in the projector's light? What was the effect of the New Year's party? The quarrel, Joe's escape and enjoyment of the party and people his own age, the suicide attempt, the return and 'Happy New year' and 'Auld Long Syne" against this scene?
11. How was Hollywood presented? Was it presented ironically (especially as the film was made by Paramount)? Comment on the 'wax works', the writers, Betty Schaeffer, Norma's impersonation of the Mack Sennet Beauty and of Charlie Chaplin, Paramount's wanting her car, her visit to DeMille? and her admirers (and her fear of the microphone), her being put off?
12. Why did Joe relish the creative work of the script? Why did he fall in love with Betty?
13. Why did Norma ring Betty and act so viciously? Why did this break Joe? Why did Joe force Betty away from her?
14. Was the shooting scene handled well? Why did Norma shoot Joe?
15. How cynical were Joe 's comments after his death, on the police and the reporters?
16. How was Norma's retreat into madness shown? How effective was her insane acting out of Salome and her descent of the staircase? She had acted like a silent star in her ordinary life - how did this come to a head finally? (What role did Max play here?)
17. What comment on the whole Hollywood way of life, its myths, its extravagance and its cruelty did the film -make?