Australia, 1979, 101 minutes, Colour.
Robert Bruning, Sigrid Thornton, Hugh Keays- Byrne, Denise Drysdale, Vincent Gil, Julia Blake, Peter Stratford, Chantal Contouri.
Directed by Simon Wincer.
Snapshot is an Australian thriller, one of many screenplays written by Everett de Roche (Patrick, Long Weekend, Harlequin, Road Games at this particular period). The film was directed by Simon Wincer who made Harlequin, went on to make Phar Lap and The Lighthorsemen as well as to have a very successful career in Hollywood directing many films and television miniseries including Lonesome Dove.
Sigrid Thornton portrays a young girl who has a puritanical mother, is kicked out of home, is a shy hairdresser, becomes mixed up with the fashion worls, accidentally becomes a model and involved in a world with some sleazy characters. However, her boyfriend, an ice cream van driver, starts to stalk her.
Since the film is a thriller, there are a number of twists which are enjoyably satisfying.
1. The title, its tone, background of models and photography, films? The focus on Angela and her work, modelling, attitudes towards this? Themes from this kind of world? The use of Angela's photo in the magazine, by Elmer?
2. How we11 did the film use the conventions of the thriller genre? Characters, situations, menace, deaths, mystery? Audience interest and involvement?
3. The quality of the Panavision colour photography, the presentation of the city of Melbourne, the suburbs, the beaches, the environment? Modern Melbourne society? The media set? The use of editing, the thriller effects?
4. The score and its thriller conventions style? Contribution to atmosphere? The song about Angela during the photography session?
5. The opening with the firemen and the atmosphere of mystery, the burnt man? The flashbacks from the snapshots covering the floor and walls and roof? Angela running through the city? The mystery of the identity of the burnt man? The mystery of Angela's connection with him? The seeing of the events again especially Madeleine's grief? Angela and her presence, Daryl? The aftermath and the revelation of Madeleine's guilt?
6. The strength of Sigrid Thornton's performance as Angela? The strength of the film? As person, personality? Attractive, appearance? At work at the hairdresser's, the interchange with the manager? Seeing her at home, her sister and her comments, her mother's attitudes? The confrontation with her mother, moving out, being locked out, the photograph, the money and her mother taking it? The long relationship with Daryl? Daryl and his 'Mr. Whippy' truck? The friendship with Madeleine ? and the lack of explanation? Angela as an average girl in Melbourne?
7. Madeleine's character as indicated by her glamour, driving, attitude towards hairdresser and advice to Angela, arranging for the job? The indications of her lesbianism? Seeing her at the party and her jealousy towards men approaching Angela? The presentation of Elmer and the quality of her marriage? Her presence with Angela, comforting her? Her saying goodbye stoically and yet her behaviour in arranging the ticket, Daryl's death? How credible was her behaviour especially with the pig's head? A credible villainess for the film?
8. Madeleine's introduction of Angela to Lindsay? His absent?mindedness, as a photographer, the dead mouse., his explanation to Angela of photographing dead flora and fauna? His house, the group of people who lived there? Lindsay at work, his kindness in letting Angela stay? The group of people who lived there, the friends and their advice? Angela's friendship with them?
9. The introduction to Elmer, his presence at the restaurant, the arranging of the meeting, the meal and his seduction technique, his story, the photography? The irony of his phone number and Angela going to him? His menace and mad threats, the poetic justice of his being the burnt man?
10. The character of Daryl? His infatuation for Angela, love for her? Angela's sister and her comments? His continued following, the 'Mr Whippy' truck and its ominous presence? Angela suspecting him as regards the pig's head etc.? The various chase sequences? The presence of the truck at the end and the irony of Madeleine's killing him with his truck? As a character, his genuine love for Angela?
11. The picture of the various men, their attitudes towards Angela, wanting to use her, modelling, business? The old man on the beach watching her during the filming?
12. Angela changing as a character throughout the film? The attraction of the money and her plans to go overseas, independence? Madeleine persuading her to do the modelling? Dress, nude sequences, the beach? Her attitude towards being photographed? Her initial reaction to seeing her face appearing in the photograph, her liking it? Her relationship with Lindsay and relying on him when she was locked out of the house? The conflicts with Daryl and her hurting him? Her presence at the various parties? Her decision to leave Elmer's and not be compromised? The encounter with her mother? The dress, being slashed, the pig's head? How credible was her behaviour, the decision to go to Fiji, Elmer's photography and her escaping, Daryl's help? Her decision to go with Madeleine at the end ? to what, how credibly (in the light of her reaction to Madeleine's amorous advances?)
13. The character sketches of Angela's mother, sister, the hairdressers? The crew for the filming? The singing groups?
14. The return to the burnt man, the resume of what had gone before? The effectiveness of the stunt work?
15. The ugliness of Daryl's death and Madeleine's appearance? How credible Angela's final behaviour?
16. The success of the film within its limitations and the thriller conventions? Its picture of life, society, its portrait of an individual?