US, 1954, 108 Minutes, Colour.
Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Joanne Dru, Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Directed by Joseph Pevney.
Three Ring Circus is a standard Martin and Lewis comedy. It was their first in Vistavision and raised expectations because of its circus setting. It was directed by Joseph Pevney, noted for war dramas and human interest stories. It was written by Don McGuire? who later wrote and directed films for Jerry Lewis. Joanne Dru is an attractive heroine. There is an attempt to create pathos in the poor little man character portrayed by Jerry Lewis.
1. An entertaining Martin and Lewis comedy?
2. The styles of Dean Martin - singing, straight-man, hero? And of Jerry Lewis - slapstick comedy, sentimental comedy? How well did they mesh together? The usual ingredients - better or less good?
3. Colour photography, the atmosphere of the circus, the music, the songs, special circus events?
4. The routine plot with the circus background? How plausible? Pete and Jerry and their war experience, their searching for work? Pete and his ingratiating himself into the circus, Jill and Saadia falling in love with him, his getting ownership of the circus and his callous treatment? Jerry and his ambitions to be a clown and his unexpected success? The clash of values and the happy resolution? Conventional material - how well presented?
5. The contrasting character between Pete and Jerry? Pete as the supposed American hero, his principles, his fascination with himself, his almost ruining others, his coming to his senses? How well portrayed was this kind of character? The contrast with Jerry and his seeming stupidity, his ambitions to be a clown and his qualities for clowning, his work as an animal tamer, his yearnings and unexpected success, becoming the star of the show and provoking jealousy, his capacity for entertaining people, the sequence where he made the little girl cry? A credible portrayal of the "little man" hero?
6. The contrast between Jill and Saadia? Jill as the hard-working American girl trying to keep the circus going, falling in love with Pete, friendly with Jerry? The happy ending for her after the disappointment? The contrast with Saadia and her acrobatic skills, the vamp type?
7. The minor characters, especially Sam and his devotion, Kimmy and his place in the circus, the humour with Fritz Schlitz and the exaggerated Germanic style, the bearded lady and her advice, Puffy and the resentful clown?
8. The humour and atmosphere of the circus sequences? How memorable were they? Audience response to circuses? The final performance for the disabled children and the atmosphere of entertainment, communication, laughter and tears?
9. Themes of heroes and heroines, heroism, self-centredness and lack of scruple, devotedness? The conventional ingredients of this kind of romantic comedy -how thoughtfully presented within the framework of comedy?