US, 1977, 100 minutes, Colour.
Steve Forrest, Andrew Prine.
Directed by James L. Conway.
The Last of the Mohicans is an enjoyable family telemovie from James Fenimore Cooper's classic novel. There was a film version in 1936, a Randolph Scott vehicle. It was later a Canadian television series. The film focuses on straightforward action, the background of British and French clashes in North America, and the use of the Indian tribes. There is an emphasis on the dignity of the Indian - the elimination of the Mohicans, the brutality of the Hurons, the true nature of savagery and the aristocratic attitudes of the Europeans. The dialogue frequently asks the question about the nature of true savagery. The film offers a good role for Steve Forrest in the central character, Hawkeye. Colourful scenery, western action.
1. The classic status of Cooper's novel? Its place in the American heritage? The story of whites and Indians, the background of American history? The film's re-creation of period, tribute to the past? Critique of white arrogance? The dignity of the Indian? A satisfying telemovie version of the novel?
2. The telemovie style, its impact for home audiences? Colour photography, action sequences, period? Score?
3. The opening and the siege of the house? The besieging Indians? Hawkeye's arrival and the saga about his heroism? The flashback tribute?
4. The background of the British and French fighting, the exploitation of the Indians? The advance of so-called civilisation? The British as seen through Heywood, the ladies? Their formal dress and style? The forts, the entourage? Their cruelty? The attack on the French? The background of the trail, torture? The comparisons with the Indians? The focus on Heywood and his understanding the situation through experience? The two girls and their dangers, learning?
5. The preacher and his singing, comic touches, eccentricity, travelling with the group, causing them danger. being considered mad by the Indians, supplying information, helping, giving his life for Heywood?
6. Hawkeye as hero: his story, the massacre of whites and Mohicans, his surviving with the Indian chief and his son? Learning the ways of the red man? His helping the group? Saving them when captured? Rescuing the boats? using the gunpowder? The fights? The friendly tribes, trying to rescue the girl? Knowing the situations and handling them well? Collaborating with the Indian chief? The grief at the death of his son? A western hero?
7. The chief and his son as the last of the Mohicans? The pathos of their story? The adventures? Their helping the group? The clash with the Hurons? The fight in the water? The son giving his life for the girl?
8. The background of the Hurons and their link with the French, clashes with other Indians? The guide and his betrayal? His taking prisoners? The Indian village and its lifestyle? White captives? The fights to the death?
9. The contrast with the friendly tribe, treaties, respect?
10. The theme of the Indian way of life and its elimination by the white man? The talk of civilisation and savages? The dignity of Indian customs? Religion? The symbolism for the subsequent history of America?
11. American history, audience interest throughout the world, the popularity of the western?