US, 1941, 135 minutes, Black and white.
Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck, Edward Arnold, Walter Brennan, Spring Byington, James Gleason, Gene Lockhart.
Directed by Frank Capra.
Meet John Doe was a pre-World War II film, released the year of Pearl Harbor, made by Frank Capra director of Oscar-winning and popular films in the thirties as 'It Happened One Night', 'Mr. Deeds Goes to Town', 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington' and 'You Can't Take it With You'.
Capra made films which were light in touch, strong in social criticism with their humorous portrayal of American issues. Frank Capra brought style and optimism to these screen plays. Gary Cooper and James Stewart had featured in the films. With this film, the opening of World War II made the tone of American social criticism and comedy far more serious. Like the Tracy- Hepburn film directed by George Cukor 'Keeper of the Flame', this film speculates about Fascism in the United States.
Gary Cooper is the tramp who becomes the symbol of the ordinary American citizen but who is used by a man ambitious for controlling the United States. He is played by the regular Capra villain Edward Arnold. Barbara Stanwyck is the newspaper reporter who promotes the cause of John Doe. Walter Brennan has a good role in support. The film is still very interesting although dated. It does not make the impact of the earlier films, perhaps because of its very serious tone and the melodramatic ending. Many of the elements in the film can be recognised in Paddy Chayevsky's Network.
1. The dramatic impact of the film? Its social observations and criticism? In its time, now? The historical aspects of the film in relationship to European Fascism of the thirties and forties, its possibility in the United States? How timely a. warning?
2. Frank Capra's optimism and comedy style? His attention to detail, his presentation of human relationships, human issues, sentiment? A way of communicating social themes?
3. The social comment and comedy: the look at the thirties, the ordinary people of the United States, the Depression, their needs? The controllers and their power-seeking? The ordinary John Doe citizens and their being manipulated? The fanfare of popularity as a cover for more sinister plans? The accent on neighbourliness? The importance of the citizen who is used by power and becomes the victim of the rabble and of people's scorn? (overtones of Christ figure?).
4. The impact of having Gary Cooper as John Doe? His status as an actor in the thirties, the type of character he was seen to represent? Balanced by Walter Brennan in his supporting role as the Colonel? Edward Arnold as embodying fascist power and ruthlessness? Barbara Stanwyck as a heroine of the thirties and forties as the newspaper reporter, the strong woman, her role in the manipulation and her change of heart? The various types presented - the Hollywood tradition of social comedies of the thirties?
5. The black and white photography, studio sets? The score and its tone? The American atmosphere of the film: the collage at the beginning and the overtones of Steinbeck’s 'Grapes of Wrath' understanding of America in the thirties, the collage of the ordinary people at their work? The importance of the atmosphere of the rallies and the way they were filmed, contrasting with the close-ups etc. to communicate personal conscience and crisis?
6. The plausibility of the plot? The outbreak of World War II? The experience of Europe in the thirties? Fascism as a possibility in the United States? People supporting fascist leaders? The question of whether the people know best? The role of newspapers and communications? The radio? The way these were used? The portrayal of newspapers and the freedom of the Press?
7. The importance of the John Does of this world: the credits and the presentation of ordinary people, the overtones of the 'Grapes of Wrath', Americana U.S.A.? The changing patterns of the newspapers and the ordinary reporters as symbolised by Connell and his name going, his disappointment and disillusionment? Long John Willoughby embodying the John Does of the United States? The Colonel? The impact of his first arrival? The people listening to the radio? The Everyman figures of the United States and the dilemmas as regards following John Doe or not? The importance of the soda jerk speech? Sour-puss, Delaney's? Aspects of presentation of the ordinary people? The yokel appeal of John Doe? His niceness (and Ann as a kind of Joan of Arc?), the importance of the content of the various speeches about being a citizen, the ending and the triumph of the ordinary citizen? John Doe and the atmosphere of Americana?
8. The contrast with D.B. Norton and his personality, ambitions? His ruthlessness in controlling the Press, relationship with governors and mayors and his manipulation of them? The importance of his wanting to take control of the media? His impact on the ordinary people? The importance of his denunciation of John Doe at the end? His secret plans, his maps, his various henchmen? His use of Ann? The importance of the way that he manipulated individuals - Ann with the jewels and the coat? The contrast with Connell and his drunken exposure of Naughton? The build-up to the banquet, the speeches, Ann's presence, John's reaction and the final clash? The importance of what Naughton was left with - the Christmas Eve speeches, confrontation?
9. Ann as a focus for the tensions in the film? The ordinary American girl, her work at the newspaper, losing her job? Her ambition for achieving greatness in her profession, her ability to think up a plan, her control over it and push? The strengths of her pressure and plan? The building up of the speeches - the Heel Lot speech? The Colonel and his anti-wealth comments to Ann? The way that she used John and the Colonel? Her relationship with Naughton? Her becoming part of his propaganda? The contrast of the scenes with her mother and simplicity and hope, her giving this away? The importance of her listening to the radio? Her understanding the common people? Her presence on the tour, her being used? The maps, the conventions? Her reaction to the revelation of the plans, her acceptance of the gifts? Mrs Mitchell's proposal? Her presence at the banquet and the final clash? Her disillusionment? The aftermath of John's disappearance? Her role on Christmas Eve?
10. The Colonel and his role as the critic of the events and the people? The impact of the first arrival, friendship with John, the scenes under the bridge, the playing of baseball? His suspicions at the rally? His comments on the Heel Lot and the Helots as slaves?
11. The presentation of the ordinary people and their response, the rallies and their power, the purpose of getting the people en masse to support Naughton? Their motives? Their turning against John and the riot at the rally in the rain?
12. The contrast of wealth, the importance of the police and their role, the reporters' deals etc.?
13. The role of Mrs. Mitchell - her relationship with Ann, her memories of her husband, the importance of his speeches, Ann's using of these? Her final proposal?
14. The sense of movement throughout the film as the movement gained momentum, the map, the moving through the United States, the range of people met?
15. The importance of Connell, his cynical comments, his influence on John, the repercussions in the dinner?
16. The vindictiveness of D.B. Norton? His plan collapsing around him?
17. The build-up to the Christmas Eve dramatics? John and the dilemma of his suicide? The overall plan of John Doe as being dissatisfied with United States and wanting to kill himself? The tension on the roof and people wondering whether he would kill himself? The impact of the ending?
18. Social perception of the times, the film's relevance in its time, now?