Australia, 2001, 103 minutes, Colour.
Billy Connolly, Judy Davis, Colin Friels, Bille Brown, Wendy Hughes, Blair Venn, Emily Browning, Vincent Ball, Frank Whitten, Peter Whitford, Lionel Haft, John Howard, Tim Robertson, Steve Jacobs, Josephine Byrnes.
Directed by Mark Joffe.
When Billy Connolly was approached about playing the main role in this film, he was really pleased with the title. It is an amusing title as well as an intriguing one - and that is how the film itself unfolds. It is very entertaining, but it does raise a lot of points about God and religion (and, so, something of a companion piece to Bruce Almighty).
The reason for suing God is what the insurance companies and others call 'Acts of God'. These are events which seem to be beyond the scope of normal prediction. When they cause damage which is considered excessive, some insurance companies use the act of God as a way out of compensation. There are some good court scenes where Billy Connolly argues against this, pointing out the true nature of God, not as someone vindictive waiting to hurt people, but a loving God. In fact, for a thoughtful audience there are quite a few theological ideas in the screenplay.
But, the tone of the film is light with some funny comedy moments and lines. Billy Connolly can be over the top with his language (still fairly salty one might say) and his comic style. Here he is very disciplined as well as giving an amiable tone to his character, a lawyer who retired to become a fisherman on the south coast of New South Wales and lost his wife and his daughter who is devoted to him.
He has met a journalist in a clumsy but funny restaurant accident. After an initial clash, she sees his story as a way
for her to do some good investigative writing and becomes his close ally. Judy Davis plays this role.
There is a fine supporting cast of Australian actors, especially for the wily lawyer who prosecutes the case and for
the church leaders who are the defendants because they represent God. Ecumenically speaking, the Catholic Cardinal of Sydney comes out best with some spiritual reflections, less so the Anglican archbishop and the Uniting Church moderator. The Chief Rabbi is the one with the comic lines.
Director Mark Joffe has made some entertaining 'quirky' Australian comedies that are worth catching if you liked this film, Spotswood (with Anthony Hopkins, Russell Crowe and Toni Collette) and Cosi and ventured to Ireland for The Matchmaker.
1. The blend of the entertaining and the serious?
2. The settings in the New South Wales southern coast, the bay, the water, the town? The contrast with Sydney? The attractive landscapes and the water? Authentic? The impact of the landscapes, the caravan park, the boats, the bridges? The city and its buildings, roofs, the courts, the cathedrals? Musical score and songs?
3. The title and audience expectations? Use of the phrase "act of God", its meaning in law, the mediaeval tradition, the differences in present times because of knowledge of science, changes in philosophy and theology? Causality, disasters, responsibilities, human intervention, the nature of Nature? The image of a vindictive God compared with the image of a loving God? Natural disasters, disaster and the possibility of leading to new awareness and even to love? The significance of the cardinal's speech in the court, his explanation of God, his challenge to Steve about himself and his attitudes? Steve and his final speech in the court, God's existence, love?
4. Steve and Billy Connolly's performance, controlled, humorous and humane? His love for his daughter? Her being on the wharf, coming in in the boat, the storm, his going back, the destruction of the boat? Arthur and his friendship with him, talking to him? The dog's barking in reply? His reaction to the loss of the boat, Jules and Les and their reactions? Their having given Steve the loan, his contacting the insurance companies, talking about the contract, covering all possibilities - except acts of God? His talking with David? Checking the documents, his going to visit Edward Piggott, the insurance companies and their refusals, the smug giving of the clients the run-around?
5. His meeting up with David, at the restaurant, his being drunk and angry, the accidents, his knocking over Anna? The slapstick routines but real? Anna and her dinner with Hal? Her anger, walking out? The article and her attack on him? His phone call and abuse?
6. His decision to sue God, his own legal background, giving up the law for fishing? The radio personality and his criticism of Steve, the discussions with Anna on-air? Her going to Hal, her wanting to be a true journalist, his allowing her to follow the story? Her going to the south coast, her surprise at seeing Steve, her pleading with him, reaching out to the boat, going into the water and having to be rescued? The discussions, her decision to support him? The contrast with the reaction of Jules, the memory of the marriage, her seeing his irresponsibility, giving up his job?
7. The cardinal and the discussions with Mr Ryan, deciding to employ him? Ryan and his plan for the court case? The comments of the cardinal, the comments of the Anglican archbishop, the moderator of the Uniting Church (and his continually concerned about money and reading the Financial Times)? The rabbi - and his humorous remarks? The leadership in the Australian churches? The scenes in the churches themselves, people, the synagogues - and Steve later sitting and meditating in each of them? The discussion about God in acts of God, a frivolous legal notion or not? The talkback sessions? The people with placards outside the court? The fights?
8. Steve and his presence in court, his arguments? His shrewdness, the sympathy of the judge? Anna and her decision to help, the articles, the bags of mail? Her trying to persuade Steve for a class action? His eventually reading some of the letters, interviewing the people, hearing their cases and the insurance companies' refusals? The decision for the class action?
9. Ryan and his being in cahoots with Edward Piggott, the issues, the risks, the presence in court, the judge allowing it to go to trial? At the trial, the various speeches and cross-examinations? The Anglican archbishop and his caution, the moderator and his financial concerns, the rabbi and his humorous take-it-or-leave-it approach? The cardinal and his earnest intervention? His challenge to Steve?
10. David, the bonds with Steve, his exasperation about their growing up? His anger, his discussions with Ryan and the promises? Jules and her exasperation, Les and his being far more congenial? Their not having any money, having to go to Perth? Rebecca and her love for her father, not wanting to go to Perth? Their presence in the court?
11. The media, the set-up of the interview with Cressida Roache? Ann and her discussion about fees from magazines - trying to get some money in case everything went wrong? Anna and her explaining the media to Steve as they walked the corridors (and got lost)? The valid comments about how the media handled situations and sensationalised? Her giving of hints for his performance on the television screen? Cressida and the TV personality, patronising? Steve following Anna's directions, talking, being caught - then talking earnestly and the people supporting him?
12. Ryan putting Anna in the box, her past, the story about her father? The large number of insurance claims and her reaction? Eliciting that a special day was the day the house burned down and the response of insurers? Her antagonism towards them? Her going to Hal, his firing her? Her being sorry, the growing relationship between the two, the meals, the discussions, work? The sexual encounter?
13. Steve and his decision that he would like a moral victory, his going to the cathedral and to the synagogue? The impact of his speech about God, the points made about the nature of God, God and nature and human responsibility?
14. The aftermath for the insurance companies, Piggott and his shock? The class actions? The churches' responses? The cardinal sacking Ryan?
15. Anna and her selling the rights to the story, sufficient money to repay Jules and Les, get a new boat - and a happy ending and future?
16. A nice combination of what was funny, full of sentiment, serious - yet balanced?