US, 1946, 182 minutes, Black and white.
Fredric March, Myrna Loy, Teresa Wright, Dana Andrews, Virginia Mayo, Cathy O'Donnell, Hoagy Carmichael, Harold Russell, Gladys George, Ray Collins.
Directed by William Wyler.
The Best Years of Our Lives has remained one of Hollywood's best and most popular films. It won many Oscars and acclaim in 1946. It seemed to have caught the mood of the post-war period and the need for rehabilitation of those in active service as well as the adjustment of wives and families of the returning servicemen. The theme was explored in a number of films at the time. The main film that invites comparison is Edward Dmytryk’s Till the End of Time, with Dorothy McGuire?, Guy Madison, Robert Mitchum.
This film is a Samuel Goldwyn production - one of the many smooth domestic dramas that he produced during the '40s. It has an excellent star cast and director William Wyler took advantage of their screen personalities. Myrna Loy is at her warmest and most devoted. Fredric March is excellent in his second Oscar-winning role. The film offered excellent opportunities for Dana Andrews, Teresa Wright and introduced Cathy O'Donnell. Handless veteran Harold Russell gives a beautifully warm performance in a role that echoes his won experience. He won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor as well as a Humanitarian Oscar (he made a guest appearance many decades later in Richard Donner's Inside Moves - 1980). Veterans like Ray Collins and Gladys George have small but significant roles.
Photography was by award-winner Gregg Toland. Hugo Friedhoffer wrote the music. Screenplay was by Pulitzer Prize-winning screenwriter and playwright Robert Sherwood. The structure is simple: three servicemen return from the war. Each of their stories is told and interwoven with the other. For some it is easier than others - and there are moments of dramatic tension as well as very moving sequences. It seems to keep the right blend of sentiment and humour and social observation. While in some ways it is dated, the film's themes and presentation of human situations is relevant.
1. The merit of the film and its acclaim, awards? Impact in the '40s? Now? An example of expert Hollywood movie-making in its golden age?
2. The range of the film: its long-running time, its scope and yet focus on a small cross-section of America? The film as a piece of Americana of the '40s? Its focus on World War Two, support of American involvement - with a presentation of criticisms of American involvement? The indication of fifth columnists and the beginning of the cold war? The focus on people, human nature, change, challenge, learning as well as tragedy? The presentation of men in war? Women who wait, families? The experience of rehabilitation?
3. The work of William Wyler, his prestige in Hollywood, his many awards? His thoroughness and care in direction? Black and white photography? Atmospheric score? The contribution of the stars - personalities and acting skills? Robert Sherwood's screenplay?
4. The introduction and the establishing of the situation: the end of the war, Fred and his inability to get on a plane, the concessions to the businessman getting a place? The three men, their respective services, the expectations of their return after their war experiences? Their home as Typical City, U.S.A.? The screenplay with the journey home- and looking at the city from the air, the establishing of the three men, their three stories and the intercutting? The predictability and unpredictability of their stories? Pace? Disappointment, hope? Optimism? The message of hope for the 40s throughout the film?
5. The presentation of the war and war action: the limited experience of the men, their memories? Al's Okinawa story for the bankers? Fred and his experience of heroism in Berlin? Homer and the fire in the ship and his not knowing what the nature of the action was? His losing his hands? Citations and medals? Patriotism and the war? The critic and the fifth columnist and the attack by Fred in the store? The attitude towards the Nazis and the Japanese in the mid-'40s?
6. The opening and the introduction of the three men? Fred as the veteran and his inability to get on a plane? The businessman and his connection? Getting a lift? The three men looking at the United States from above? Going down into this post-war America? Merging in it? The typical American city? The cross-section of American experience?
7. The focus on Homer? The quality of Harold Russell's performance, his own experience? His awards? His not helping with the carrying, the discovery of his loss of hands, the physiotherapy and the training to manage with the hooks? The way he used them throughout the film? Telling his story and war experience? His love for Wilma and apprehensions about her? The return hone, the little girl welcoming him, his mother weeping? His nervousness, the gathering and his dropping the drink? His inability to embrace Wilma? His holding back from Wilma? Watching her through the window? The importance of Fred's advice? Wilma's coming over, discussions about his disability, the sequence of his preparing for bed and letting her know his absolute helplessness? Her response? Talking over the future? His reliance on going to the bar, friendship with Butch? Butch's advice for his to go home, teaching him to play the piano? The critic of the war and Fred's reaction and losing his job? The climax of the film with the marriage ceremony, its poignancy with the details of the ceremony, the words, the ring and the hands? An example of hope and rehabilitation?
8. Al and his nervousness? The desk man holding him up? His nervousness? meeting his son and daughter, Millie? The souvenirs of the war and his son's awkwardness? An atmosphere of tension and awkwardness? Talking to Peggy? The reunion with Millie? Audiences sharing his apprehensions? Going on the town? His exuberance, dancing, drinking? Getting to know Millie again? Being reassured? Encountering Homer and Fred? The bonds forged between them? Millie’s patience and support? Peggy? Taking Fred home and helping him? The next morning and Millie's getting breakfast for Al, his feeling more at home? Milton ringing about his bank position? Going back to the office, the offer of the job and the drawing on his war experience? The importance of the interview with Novak and his intuition about his worthwhileness? His collateral in his hands? The dinner and his not wanting to make a speech, his drinking, Millie's- worry? The story of the taking of the hill of Okinawa and intuition and no collateral - and the message for Milton? Milton's previous warnings to him? The worries about Peggy and Fred, talking with her, warning Fred and his ringing to break off with Peggy? Peggy's speech about being a marriage breaker? The encounters with Homer and watching him play the piano? The wedding, his presence with Millie and the guarantee that his future was assured?
9. Fred as the expected hero? His story about being a soda jerk? His apprehensions about his wife and their short marriage? Visiting his parents and their telling the story (and later his returning to them and their discovering proudly his citations)? Going to the bar, meeting Homer and Al? Drinking? Peggy putting him to bed? The next morning and his apologies? The attraction towards Peggy? The car ride to find Marie, his embarrassment in the shop with the flying plane and Peggy's stopping it, the meal together, the kiss, Peggy's arranging the outing of the foursome, the photo? Al and the talk about the relationship with Peggy and his phoning the breaking off? His finding Marie, her loudness, her wanting him in uniform, problems of jobs and his revisiting the store, the meals and her wanting to go out, the outing with Peggy, the photo., her having the friend to the apartment, her breaking with him and the divorce? His decision to leave town, sitting in the plane and reliving memories? His dreams and the need to purge his nightmares? His going to the wedding and reassuring Homer? The encounter with Peggy and the affirmation for the future? Marie as the more stereotyped character? Her comment about wasting the best years of her life?
10. Peggy as attractive, relationship with her family, attraction towards Fred, the meal and the kiss, her decision to take Marie out and get to know her, the discussion in the women's room, her decision to be a home breaker, her grief at Fred's phone call, her saying that she would learn by experience, the meeting with Fred at the wedding?
11. Milton and the bankers arid their hard attitudes? The managers of the shops and the re-employment of veterans?
12. Butch and his bar, friendliness? Hoagy Carmichael and his music?
13. A presentation of American values and traditions at their best?