US, 1959, 210 minutes, Colour.
Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Haya Harareet, Stephen Boyd. Hugh Griffith. Martha Scott, Cathy O'Donnell, Frank Thring, Sam Jaffe, Finlay Currie.
Directed by William Wyler.
Ben Hur needs little introduction. It was filmed as a silent classic and people read General Lew Wallace's novel. In the late 50's it became the most expensive film ever made and won Oscars for itself, William Wyler, Charlton Heston and Hugh
As a picture of Roman times, it is very good indeed; the naval battle and the chariot race standing out amidst excellent sequences. As a tale of Christ it is less successful, a too literal and Hollywood style interpretation of the Gospels, especially the Nativity prologue. However, some sequences like Christ giving water to Ben Hur at Nazareth and the Crucifixion in the rain are very good.
1. How did the film keep audiences interested, despite its length?
2. The sub title said this was a tale of Christ. Was this accurate? How important was Christ? (Were the Nativity, preaching and Crucifixion scenes well done? Religious, reverent, sentimental, the star, the kings and shepherds, the rapt faces, the heavenly choirs?)
3. Did the film give a sense of realism about Judaea and the Roman Empire? Were the sequences of Roman soldiers or Roman life too spectacular to give the audience an accurate sense of the period and its issues?
4. Was the clash between Judaea and Rome clearly presented? How?
5. What kind of man was Ben Hur? How noble, Jewish, religious, proud, principled? Did you like him? Why?
6. How did Messala contrast with him? Comment on how the friendship sequences at the beginning established the relationship quickly (the javelin throw) and how their differences were just as quickly established, and convincingly, the political and religious differences, the clash of pride.
7. Were Ben Hur's family established as characters or were they merely types, easily recognised and identified ? Miriam, Tirza, Esther and her father?
8. Were you expecting the accident? How did you feel for the family when it happened, at Messala's testing the truth, at his cruelty in making them an example? Was Messala’s cruelty credible? How did the film show that Messala believed in what he was doing?
9. How effective was the Nazareth sequence ? the march, desert. thirst. water and the offering of Christ and his commanding presence with the officer?
10. Comment on the galley sequences and their impact, the details about galley life, the demonstration of the paces of rowing (and Arrius watching), the relentlessness, chaining the rowers, the ramming, the despair, the fighting.
11. Was Arrius a typical Roman ? how arrogant, humane, how good a soldier? Why did he single out Ben Hur? His offer? His reaction to Ben Hur not killing him? The discussion about God, the gods, providence?
12. Why did Ben Hur rescue him and stop him killing himself? Why did Arrius make Ben Hur his son, and let him go?
13. Were you pleased at Ben Hur's rehabilitation and success in Rome, and his return and confrontation of Messala?
14. Was Arrius' triumph effective cinema spectacle?
15. How important for the pace of the film, as well as the theme, was the sequence at the Sheikh's place ? the encounter with Balthasar, the horses, the chariot practice? Why did Ben Hur refuse at first, but ultimately decide to ride against Messala?
16. The chariot race (the sequence lasts 21 minutes and the race 9 minutes)? How successful was the planning (and the second unit photography during the racing)? The excitement, cruelty, deaths. Messala's chariot. Ben Hur's determination. revenge, Messala's injuries?
17. How vindictive was Messala's death and revelation about Miriam and Tirza?
18. Were you glad Esther remained and loved Ben Hur? Did she do the right thing in agreeing with Miriam to conceal the leprosy from Ben Hur? Should he have gone and revealed himself to his mother?
19. How did the chariot race, Messala's action and the leprosy affect him? Was Esther right in saying that he was no better than Messala? Was he right to repudiate Roman citizenship (despite his feelings for Arrius)?
20. What influence did Christ have on Esther? Why? How did it contrast with the hate of Ben Hur and her father?
21. Was the Way of the Cross effectively filmed. and Ben Hur giving water to Christ and the impact of the recognition?
22. Comment on the rainy Crucifixion and the flowing blood and water?
23. Everything worked out happily. Was this convincing?
24. On the human level, the film worked with the bad being punished and the good rewarded. How simplistic was the film?
25. Did it deserve all the awards it received?