US, 1992, 111 minutes, Colour.
Eddie Murphy, Robin Givens, Halle Berry, Grace Jones, David Alan Grier, Geoffrey Holder, Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence, Eartha Kitt.
Directed by Reginald Hudlin.
Boomerang is an Eddie Murphy vehicle. He suggested the story and stars, holding centre screen all the time. A star of the mid 80s with Trading Places and Beverley Hills Cop, his status around 1990 was diminished. In the early 90s he attempted something of a comeback. This is his attempt to present himself as a black variation on Sensitive New Age Guy. (He is following in the vein of several films of the early 90s where the professional hero discovers his more sensitive: William Hurt in The Doctor, Harrison Ford in Regarding Henry, Jeff Bridges in The Fisher King, Robin Williams in Hook). However, one critic suggested that the film should have been called Black Narcissus, with its constant focus on Murphy.
He surrounds himself with a star cast ranging from model Robyn Givens and actress Halle Berry to Grace Jones, Eartha Kitt. There are some funny sequences, but we are presented with the self preening Murphy who finds himself treated by Givens as he would have treated his women friends, casually. Grace Jones and Eartha Kitt suffer by being made to look like raging sex maniacs. The direction is by Reginald Hudlin, director of the cult movie, House party.
1. Eddie Murphy comedy, black comedy for black audiences in the U.S., for Eddie Murphy fans.
2. The 90s midlife trend, the professional man coming into crisis and discovery the more sensitive side of himself?
3. New York settings, the business world, wealth, advertising, society? The world of the American blacks, American whites, points of contact? Musical score and songs?
4. The title, themes, Marcus Graham, and his treatment of women and Jacqueline's treatment of him?
5. Eddie Murphy as the narcissistic screen presence, self preening? His relationship with his men friends? With women friends? (The interaction with Eartha Kit and Grace Jones as sex crazed and sex starved older women)?
6. Eddie Murphy as Marcus Graham, with his pals, their talk, games? His relationships with women, following the woman with the pet, in bed and examining her feet? The world of advertising, his work, success? Glamour and glitter? His ambitions? Campaigns, plans? The encounter with Eloise and her plan? Friendship with Angela and Gerard's love for her? The attraction to Jacqueline, competition, work, the affair? Intimate relationship, looking at her feet and being satisfied? Her treating him casually and going to work? His reaction? talking things over with his friends? The contrast with Angela, the growing friendship? The meeting with Strange, the advertising campaign, the video clip and his giving his friend Nelson his head? The board's reaction? His moving out, the friendship with Angela, going to her school, yard work, the kids? The dinner with Gerard and Angela, Gerard's parents? The affair with Angela? The new encounter with Jacqueline, comprising the relationship with Angela? Discovering the truth ? and going back to Angela, decision for the future? A sincere change of heart?
7. Gerard and Marcus's friends, their cafe chatter, preoccupation with sex? Attitude towards women? Gerard and the attraction to Angela, the relationship? Gerard and his parents, the visit and the thanksgiving comedy? The break with Angela, with Marcus? His resignation at the end?
8. The portrait of women, as equal to men, competitive in business, successful? Sexual relationships? Equals, dominance? The criticism of the film as sexist?
9. Eloise and Eartha Kitt's style? The campaign, man-eating, the relationship with Marcus, his hopes from the liaison? Dashed? The encounter with Strange and Grace Jones's bizarre and eccentric style?
10. Jacqueline, accomplished, her work, treatment of Marcus, equals, the affair, discarding him? Work, the meeting? The on and off relationship? the final encounter and Marcus's decision?
11. The contrast with Angela, at work, shy? The friendship with Gerard? Attraction to Marcus, helping him in the campaign? The dinner? Breaking with Gerard, leaving the firm, her work with the children, the art? Seeing a different of Marcus? Her disappointment ? and her concession to him at the end?
12. The world of the glossy magazine, advertising, glamour?
13. Eddie Murphy's films designed for the specific black American audience, sensibilities, style, humour? How well do the films travel outside America and to other audiences?