US, 1984, 101 minutes, Colour.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Grace Jones, Mako, Sarah Douglas.
Directed by Richard Fleischer.
Conan the Destroyer is a sequel to John Milius' Conan the Barbarian. The former film was lavishly produced with John Milius' 'might is right' philosophy and style (Big Wednesday, Red Dawn). Richard Fleischer (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Vikings, Barabbas, many crime thrillers) directs the sequel with somewhat tongue-in-cheek style. The film does not take itself as seriously as the original. It is the kind of comic strip film which entertains those who enjoy a good stoush and a muscled hero.
Arnold Schwarzenegger fits the role of Conan. He has an idiosyncratic supporting cast including singer Grace Jones as a fiercely feminist warrior. Sarah Douglas is the incarnation of evil. There are excellent special effects, musical score and action sequences.
1. An effective sequel? Popularity?
2. The importance of spectacle: desert locations and atmosphere, desert, lakes? Decor and buildings - castles, towns? Interiors? Beauty and ugliness? The world of the magical? Costumes? Action and editing? Rousing musical score?
3. The film as a comic strip on screen: stereotypes, action. straightforward action and characterisation, blunt action. primary colours? Multi-million dollar style?
4. The world of legend. timelessness? A story from the past? Contemporary? The background philosophy of physical strength and right?
5. Conan as a character? His size and strength? Legendary background? His love for the lost Valeria and his praying at her shrine? His wandering the world? His assistant and the world of thieves? His sense of destiny? A man pursued and fighting? A warrior? Slaughter? Tested? The opening with his being accosted by the Queen's Guard and tested? The battle? The mission given him by Queen Taramis? Princess Jehnna? The lure of wealth? His being betrayed?
6. Queen Taramis as the personification of evil? Dressed in black, a warrior? The woman? Her court and guards? The test, her power, the priest and the ritual, the search for the Horn of Dagoth? Her planned betrayal? Sending forth the princess to recover the horn?
7. The character of Bombaata? Size, giant? Guard. betrayer? His participation in the adventuress? The betrayal of Conan? The ultimate fight to the death? The rescuing of Zulah and travelling with her? The discovery of Akiro and his being saved from the cannibals? His magical powers? Malak - the comic assistant to Conan? Their travels and adventures? Moving through legendary landscapes?
8. The island, the wizard, the capture of the princess, Conan infiltrating, the fight with the ape monster? The hall of mirrors? The rescuing of the princess? The confrontation of the priests?
9. The atmosphere of the fights, their choreography, the caves, the hall of mirrors, magic?
10. The return and its dangers, eluding Bombaata, the achievement of the mission? The betrayal of the Queen? The waterfall, the infiltration of the palace? The princess about the be sacrificed? The horn being replaced and Dagoth turning into a monster? Destroying Queen Taramis? The final confrontation between Conan and the god and his pulling the horn from the god's forehead?
11. The restoration of order? The princess and her attraction towards Conan during the journey, her love for him, his wanting to go on and seek Valeria? The putting of Malak as the court fool? Zulah in charge of the legions?
12. Popular folklore, legends? Contemporary heroes and battles in legendary style?