US, 1967, 107 minutes, Colour.
Charlton Heston, Maximilian Schell, Anton Diffring, Kathryn Hays, Leslie Nielsen.
Directed by Ralph Nelson.
Counterpoint is an interestingly different war film, although it is not as gripping as it might have been. It tells the story of an American symphony orchestra playing in Europe towards the end of World War Two. They are captured and confronted by a sympathetic German general played by Maximilian Schell. Charlton Heston plays the role of the conductor with authority but abrasively. Direction is by Ralph Nelson, maker of a number of enjoyable films including at this time Lilies of the Field with Sidney Poitier, the western Duel at Diablo and Cliff Robertson's Oscar-winning film Charlie.
The original novel is The General by Alan Sillitoe (whose filmed works include Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, The Ragman's Daughter). The screenplay was co-written by Joel Oliansky, author of a number of screenplays and writer director of The Competition (1980). Maximilian Schell has played so many German generals on the screen, only exceeded by Anton Diffring, who appears also in this film. There is a use of popular classics and some original music by the veteran Bronislau Kaper.
1. The popularity of war film? The variety of war stories? The quality of this film as a war adventure, drama, psychological conflict and counterpoint? The establishing of the two men and their respective values? Similarities and difference? A battle of wills? Survival?
2. The quality of the Techniscope colour photography,, the suggestions of war torn Europe? The orchestra and the editing of the music with the action of the film?
3. The importance of the music and its contribution: Beethoven- Schubert? The original musical score?
4. The success of the film as an action story? The position of the Germans, the capture of the orchestra, the verbal clashes, the imprisonment, American assertion, the soldiers, their being killed during the escape attempt, betrayal and fear, the final escape of the orchestra, the conductor's heroics?
5. Audience interest in the basic situation: the U.S.O. and overseas entertainment? The ironic initial comments about the orchestra and Bob Hope? The orchestra and its playing together, their travelling together, compatibility, clashes? A microcosm of a group during war? Their being forced to make stands about the war?
6. Charlton Heston's style as Lionel Evans? His command of his orchestra, brittle personality, his relationship with the group? His fascination with the leading lady and her resistance to him? His harsh statements to the orchestra and treatment of them? His appearance, his dress especially his cape? The reaction to being captured, the standing up for American rights? The encounter with the general? His refusal to have a concert? The impact of the death and his stances? His growing admiration of the group and their co-operation? The group admiring him? His being humanised by the challenge of the war? His decision about the concert? The soldiers and their presence - and the playing of the American anthem to thwart the Nazi? Using the concert for the escape? His getting the group away in the bus? The killing of the Nazi by the general? The final clash and escape? How telling a character portrayal, a strong man, a commander outside the army? The change because of the crisis?
7. Maximilian Schell's style of playing German officers? His role in the castle, his reaction against the spies, towards the Nazi officer, his knowledge of Evans, his assistant and his admiration for Evans? His German stances, the demand for the concert, powers of persuasion? His entertaining of the leading lady? His suspicions about the escape? His quick thinking and action? The confrontation and the killing of the Nazi? The humane German? Less authoritarian in manner than Lionel Evans?
8. The personnel of the orchestra? Leslie Nielsen and his characterisation of the lead musician, his help? Kathryn Hays and her marriage, her attitude towards Evans, to being entertained by the Germans? Fear, the various individuals and their reactions to imprisonment? Betrayal? Letting the soldiers organise the escape, their deaths? The importance of the soldier and his being in the orchestra? The challenge by the Nazi and playing the anthem? The orchestra's response?
9. The portrait of Germans - conventional material? The initial capture, the killings, the officers in the castle, differences between the German officers?
10. The significance of the title - the counterpoint of the music and the action of the film? The counterpoint of the confrontation between the two men? How well was the music orchestrated with the action?
11. An enjoyable war film? Its exploration of basic war thews? Survival? Art and humanity? The realism of challenge to survival?