US, 1967, 98 minutes, Colour.
Doris Day, Richard Harris, Edward Mulhare, Ray Walston, Jack Kruschen, Lilia Skala, Irene Tsu, Michael Romanoff, Michael J. Pollard.
Directed by Frank Tashlin.
Caprice is one of Doris Day's last films. It was not a popular or critical success. It seems very much of its period - espionage in the imitation Janes Bond style with a psychedelic and permissive touch. It is the work of Frank Tashlin, cartoonist turned director who wrote and directed a number of films with, Martin and Lewis and for Jerry Lewis himself. He also directed Doris Day in the farcical The Glass Bottomed Boat.
Doris Day seems as vigorous as ever. Richard Harris seems an odd star to be matched with her - and they don't seem to work so well as a partnership. Ray Walston has the oddball part - as the mad scientist with a tendency to go into women's clothes (critics have suggested a blend between Psycho and Charley's Aunt).
The film pokes fun at the advertising world, at the world of Interpol. There are some humorous sequences (including Doris Day going to a film starring Doris Day). However, the film is one of minor humour.
1. An enjoyable espionage farce? Doris Day vehicle?
2. Glossy production values: Cinemascope, American and European locations? Affluent atmosphere, fashions? Technology? The musical score and title song?
3. The title - and the film as being somewhat capricious in its treatment of its characters and themes?
4. The basic plot - familiar from many films and television series: the industrial espionage, the cover for Interpol and murder investigations, narcotics rings, the heroine seeking out the truth (despite the dangers), the hero being an agent and being used by wealthy businessmen? The ironic villains? How well did this all blend together?
5. Doris Day as Patricia Foster, a career girl, industrial espionage, selling secret formulas of underarm deodorants to rivals, the cosmetic empires and her being used by Stuart Clancy and Sir Jason Fox? The encounters with Christopher White? Their clashes? The story about her father, his death in the ski-run (and the significance of the opening credits)? The dangers in Switzerland, the rescue by Christopher? The revelation of the truth? The confrontation with Clang? The helicopter, the Eiffel Tower, the happy ending with Christopher?
5. Richard Harris as Christopher, his encounters with Patricia, work for Jason Fox, investigations of Stuart Clang, rescuing Patricia, the nonchalant attitude towards the heroine, the plausibility of the romance and happy ending?
7. Ray Walston's oddball performance as Stuart Clancy, the cosmetics industry, his work in the United States, his boat? The confrontations with Patricia? His agents, especially Su Ling, his going to Switzerland, Madam Piasco as an accomplice? His staff? The final confrontation and his unmasking?
8. Sir Jason Fox and the suave British industrialist, cosmetic empire, use of industrial spies, relationship with Patricia, romance, his villainy?
9. The gallery of comic characters? Humour? Blend of action and farce? The variation on the espionage theme so popular in the '60s?