US, 1999, 94 minutes, Colour.
Sarah Michelle Geller, Ryan Philippe, Reese Witherspoon, Selma Blair, Louise Fletcher, Joshua Jackson, Swoozie Kurtz, Christine Baranski.
Directed by Roger Kumble.
Cruel Intentions is an adaptation for the 1990s and the twentysomethings of the classic French novel Dangerous Liaisons. This story was first filmed in the late '50s with Jeanne Moreau and Gerard Philippe . It was adapted by Stephen Frears and Christopher Hampton in the 1980s after Christopher Hampton's successful play in New York and London. The central roles were taken by John Malkovich (Ryan Philippe in this film), Glenn Close (Sarah Michelle Geller here), Michelle Pfeiffer (Reece Witherspoon here). That cast also included Keanu Reeves and Uma Thurman. It was made at the same time by Milos Forman under the title Valmont, starring Colin Firth and Meg Tilley.
The film lives up to its title, Sarah Michelle Geller is Kathryn Merteuil, a self-centred and wilful and dominating president of the students' association at a wealthy preparatory school. Her stepbrother, Ryan Philippe, Valmont, plays along with her cruel intentions and sexual betrayals. The focus is on a young innocent (and rather stupid) girl played by Selma Blair. She is seduced by Valmont. Her cello teacher, with whom she is in love, is seduced by Kathryn. However, the focus is on the seduction of the rather prim Midwestern student played by Reece Witherspoon. The film offers a story of some kind of redemption of Valmont by his falling in love, despite himself. However, there is no redemption for Kathryn and she is cruelly exposed at the end of the film and shamed.
1. The popularity of this French story? Themes of love, sexuality and power? Domination? Cruel games?
2. The adaptation for the 1990s, for young Americans, affluent students? How well did the adaptation work, credibly? As a metaphor for the hedonism and domination of society?
3. The New York settings, affluence, the lavish homes, the school, the outdoor sequences? The musical score? The use of songs during the credits and throughout the film? The lyrics commenting on the behaviour?
4. The credibility of Kathryn and Sebastian and their relationship to one another, sexual games, betrayal, domination, corruption? Destroying of persons and reputations?
5. Kathryn, her relationship with Sebastian, wanting to dominate him, wanting a sexual relationship? Their parents marrying? Being away for the summer? Their being free to do what they wish in their home? Sebastian's aunt and her taking in of Annette? Kathryn and her anger at being rejected, the decision then to destroy the man who abandoned her, by getting at his new girlfriend, Cecile? The plan to expose Cecile's relationship with her cello instructor? Mrs Caldwell and her supercilious attitudes, enlisting Kathryn's help in assisting Cecile into the school? Kathryn and her appointment with Mrs Caldwell, telling her about the letters? Cecile coming to her for help, her sending Cecile on to Sebastian? Her enjoyment of the corruption of Cecile, having to listen to her stories about sexual initiation, ridiculing her behind her back? Her seduction of Ronnie, using him as a weapon finally against Sebastian by lying about Sebastian hitting her? The bet about Annette, her urging Sebastian on? The finale and her thinking she lost the bet, then winning it? But explaining to the lovelorn Sebastian that the victory was really over him? At his funeral, the discussion with Annette in the ladies' room, her giving the speech, its hypocrisy, people leaving the church, Sebastian's diary being printed and the information about her behaviour being exposed to everyone? Her shame?
6. Sebastian, wealthy, bored, seductive? His reputation? His warding off Kathryn? The bet about Annette? His going to see Annette, her reaction to his reputation, sharing the drive together, the scene in the swimming pool? Her being intrigued, being warned by Mrs Caldwell? Her gradually succumbing, being ready for the seduction, Sebastian's refusal? Her leaving, his meeting her at the station, the encounter? Sebastian and his conscience, his reaction to Kathryn, the seduction of Cecile, the photos, his being bored with her? The photos of the two men and his using them as blackmail and pressure, especially to find out who gave Annette the information? His change of heart, his telling Annette that he did not love her, trying to drive her away to protect herself? The finale, her finding him, the fight with Ronnie, saving Annette's life and dying? Some redemption?
7. Cecile and her mother, going to the school, the dominating mother, her arrogance, racial prejudice? Entrusting Cecile to Kathryn? The information about the letters, their discovery, her confronting her daughter? Her confronting Ronnie and ousting him from the house?
8. Cecile, her stupidity, love for Ronnie, the letters, going to Kathryn, going to Sebastian, the sexual initiation, Kathryn's promiscuous advice, talking of the secret club? Her staying with Sebastian? Her love for Ronnie, his being seduced by Kathryn? His being hurt by Mrs Caldwell? His future with Cecile?
9. Annette, the article in the magazine, her virginity, her religiosity? Her being the daughter of the principal? The encounter with Sebastian, playing with him, repulsed by him, attracted, the car drive, the swimming pool sequence, the further discussions, the romance, her being willing, Sebastian refusing, her departure, the meeting at the station, the night together? Her reaction to his harsh statements? Leaving, going to him, trying to stop the fight, her life being saved? In the ladies' room with Kathryn, their discussion, the manoeuvre against Kathryn? Her driving away, more worldly-wise, with her memories?
10. The psychologist, the initial discussions with Sebastian, her book, his seeming to believe in her, her despising of him, her daughter's phone call, the seduction, the book, her screaming out against him?
11. Sebastian and his friends, Blaine and his homosexuality, his relationship with Greg, Sebastian finding Greg, the photos, pressurising him to get information from Annette?
12. The aristocratic New York society, affluent, arrogant, laws unto themselves? The shock of some kind of human feeling coming into this kind of society and behaviour?