Australia, 2001, 94 minutes, Colour.
Paul Hogan, Linda Kozlowski, Serge Cockburn, Paul Rodriguez, Jere Burns, Jonathan Banks, Ada Turturro, Alec Wilson.
Directed by Simon Wincer.
Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles is the third Crocodile Dundee film in the series. In 1986, the original was a success not only in Australia but world-wide. Audiences enjoyed the laconic man from the Outback, Mick Dundee, with his blend of toughness and tenderness, naivety and shrewdness. He was also able to do a lot of one-upmanship on the Americans.
In the second film in 1988, much of the action was in the United States. There was the same style of comedy but people missed the freshness.
In the meantime Paul Hogan made such films as Almost an Angel, Lightning Jack and Flipper. Lightning Jack was a moderate success, as was Flipper for the family audiences. However, he did not reach the kind of popularity that he had both on television and with the original Crocodile Dundee film.
This 2001 adventure comedy is modest in its scope. Mick Dundee and his wife (played again by Linda Kozlowski) and his son are in Los Angeles, get caught up with the film industry - with many jokes at the expense of film people, as well as action movie-making. Mick Dundee is able to get a job as an animal wrangler and as a stuntman. There are also jokes about crooked dealings in the industry.
The film raises a smile and was popular with the general audience, although it received a drubbing from the critics.
1. The third episode for Crocodile Dundee? The absence from the screen for 13 years? Paul Hogan able to take up the story and the style again or not?
2. The popularity of the original film, the sequel? The character of Mick Dundee, the crocodile hunter, reality and myth? The laconic Australian? The genial style, easygoing? The fish out of water from the Northern Territory into the United States? Knowledgeable - and sometimes chuckling over his seeming ignorance? The appeal for Australians? For overseas audiences?
3. Bringing Crocodile Dundee back in 2001 (and his having to be reminded that it was the 21st century and by an Aborigine)? Crocodile Dundee in the Northern Territory, crocodile hunting, mishaps, with Jacko, falling in the water and swimming, embarrassed in front of the tourists? Mick Dundee and his relationship with Sue Charlton, their not having got married, their son? Mick's pride in his son, picking him up from school, taking him into the bush and teaching him? The comfortable home? Killing crocodiles being illegal - and his being a bit bored?
4. The opportunity to go to the United States? Sue and her relationship with her father, her wanting to go and work for the paper? The agreeable way in which the family organised themselves to the United States?
5. The contrast between the Northern Territory, its scenery, animals, the tourists - and their behaviour in the pub (all drinking beer)? The characters like Nugget, the people in the pub, Jacko?
6. Los Angeles and the visual overview? The newspaper offices, Hollywood and the film studios? The studio tours? The shops, the streets, the clubs, the gay club, muggings in cars? The collage of Los Angeles 2001? The contrast with the world of the Dundees?
7. Mick and his minding Mikey, taking him around the city, Venice Beach, the girls, meeting Mike Tyson and meditating with him - and Mick knowing by intuition that he was a kind and gentle man? Mikey going to school, telling stories, Dorothy and her concern about him, discovering the truth, flirting with Mick, discovering Jacko and more than flirting with him? His coming to the school to tell stories? Her presence in Australia at the end with Jacko?
8. Sue, at work, the case that the dead man was working on, Jean and her assistance? Suspicions about the studio? Her going to the reception, the deal with the manager? Interviews? Growing suspicions, wanting to get evidence? Turning up at the end, being taken by the crooks, rescued by Mick? His popping the question after realising how much he loved her, the wedding ceremony at the end? Mikey as a character, full of life, enjoying Los Angeles, sharing adventures with his father, his pride at the wedding at the end?
9. Jacko and his arrival, learning about Los Angeles from Mick (after his month in New York)? The going to the gay club, their being mugged by the four people in the car and their reaction? Various adventures - and the humour of his putting the knife through the anaconda in the studio tour?
10. His getting a job, Diego teaching him how to be an extra, his artificial style, ruining things - but then being able to get the monkey to perform? His becoming a monkey wrangler? Growing suspicions about drugs and guns? Finally discovering that it was paintings? Going to the art gallery, the paintings allegedly bombed in the destroyed in the bombing of Belgrade? His discussion with the art director? His going back, getting the painting, the pursuit by the crooks, finishing up with the lions?
11. The Hollywood sleazy types, making the Lethal Agent films and their being unsuccessful? The cover for the importing of the paintings? Arnan Rothman and his smooth talking? Milosz Drubnik and his being prone to violence? The solving of the case?
12. The final television commentary with Mick saving the day with the paintings - and the throwback to the chaos caused on the freeway with the skunk?
13. Mild and amusing good-natured jokes? Corny situations? The touch of the stereotype? Popular entertainment?