Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:39

Consenting Adults


US, 1992, 99 minutes, Colour.
Kevin Kline, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Kevin Spacey, E.G.Marshall, Forest Whitaker.
Directed by Alan J.Pakula.

Consenting Adults is a psychological thriller-cum-murder mystery, a morality tale for the '90s on the commandment, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife". (It appeared at much the same time as the glossier and more popular Indecent Proposal, directed by Adrian Lyne, on the same theme.)

The film was written by Matthew Chapman (Heart of Midnight) and directed by Alan J. Pakula (whose thrillers include Klute and Presumed Innocent). Kevin Kline is the put-upon hero, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio his wife. However, the film is stolen by Kevin Spacey as the embodiment of genial evil, the manipulative neighbour, Eddie. (Spacey performed in Glengarry Glen Ross, giving a completely opposite performance as a serious-minded real estate agency manager.) Forrest Whitaker also appears as a genial private investigator.

The film is an entertaining psychological thriller - but seems rather ordinary when one considers the talent behind it.

1.Popular thriller, psychological dimension, murder mystery? The ten commandments and sexual retribution?

2.The suburbs, homes, workplaces, recording studios, nightclubs, mansions? The glossy atmosphere? Musical score?

3.The title, sexual innuendo, adults and responsibility? Expectations?

4.The film as a moral fable, sexual temptation, the temptation of money, retribution? Responsibility and guilt?

5.Kevin Kline as Richard Parker, the jingle writer, seeing him at work, recording, clashes with producers? The bonds with his wife? Playing the piano with his daughter? The birthday celebration? The humorous look at the dramatic arrival of the new neighbours? Pricilla and her work with Richard, the love and length of the marriage, her work, at home?

6.Richard and his jogging, the encounter with Eddie, Eddie and his daredevil risk of jogging with the truck? Daring Richard? The glimpses of Kay - and Richard and his voyeur attitude towards her? The meeting, the dinner, the sexual tension, dinner talk, talk about money, Kay and her singing? Eddie and his control? The further jogging, the picnics with the two couples, the gym exercises, the boxing - and Eddie's skill in outmanoeuvring Richard? Speculations about money and debts? The Parkers' needs? The suddenness of the car accident, the insurance, Eddie and his smooth talk, his setting up the con? Priscilla and Richard and their qualms? Accepting the money, their motivation - and attributing goodwill to Eddie in their regard?

7.Audience empathy with the characters, seeing through Eddie's charm or not? Kay and her being quiet? Richard and Priscilla as the ordinary couple, becoming victims?

8.Eddie and his talk about wife-swapping, the rift with Richard and the reasons, his not telling Priscilla and her reaction? His watching Kay? Priscilla's taunts? His decision to make friends again, the couples reunited?

9.The baseball game - and the baseball bat prints? The night, Richard and his leaving his house, the sexual encounter with Kay? Passing Eddie with his smile? Eddie's reaction, Richard's reaction? The next morning and Priscilla being calm? His puzzle about what happened? Jogging, the police, his arrest? The brutality of the murder?

10.Richard in prison, his discussions with his lawyer, the cantankerous lawyer and his assistant? Priscilla's visit, her concern about the daughter, trying to handle the situation, the request for a divorce? Her going off with Eddie?

11.Richard on bail, going home, going to the house, the encounter with David? The information about the insurance and the indemnity? The puzzle, David and his collaboration and investigations? Hearing the record, discovering Kay's whereabouts, going to the bar? Going to the farm and checking out Eddie's alibi, their hostility? His spying on Priscilla and Eddie? Meeting Priscilla, in the car, giving her the tape? Eddie's reaction and his watching Priscilla, watching Richard with his daughter?

12.Eddie and the reaction to the tape, spying on Richard? Going to Savannah, Richard in Savannah and the interview with Kay, the truth about the alibi? His being called downstairs by David, Eddie's trap? The murder and his being framed?

13.The build-up to the climax, Richard on the boat, the security of the house, Priscilla and the ticket, her realisation of the truth? Richard in the house, Eddie and his complacency, talking about manipulating Richard and luring him into the house? The confrontation, the fight, Priscilla killing Eddie with the baseball bat?

14.The flip ending, Priscilla and Richard reunited, listening to the radio story - in their new house with no neighbours in sight?

15.David as investigator, his contribution to the plot, the glimpse of his home?

16.The popularity of this kind of morality fable, audiences identifying with what if...?

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