Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:38

Seduction in a Small Town


US, 1996, 97 minutes, Colour.
Melissa Gilbert, Dennis Weaver, G.W. Bailey, Brian McNamara?, Joely Fisher.
Directed by Charles Wilkinson.

Seduction in a Small Town is not an appropriate name for the themes of this film. Rather, it is about false accusations of physical abuse by parents.

The film focuses on a Californian family who return to a country town to bring up their children, the town where the father grew up. Melissa Gilbert and Brian McNamara? play the parents. Dennis Weaver is their father-in-law. (?? Whose? Or should it be 'grandfather'?) They encounter a young woman who has come to live in the town, who ingratiates herself with the family and with other town members. However, when she asks for money to help an aunt have an operation, and is refused, she starts a series of malicious rumours which end in accusations and Social Services stepping in, taking the children away, subjecting the wife to psychiatric tests. While all things work out in the end, the experience of seeing parents who love their children being falsely accused, the townspeople believing the accusations, the church not stepping in to help, it is rather harrowing.

1. The title of the film - inappropriate for its themes?

2. The country town, the small community, the farms, the countryside, the town activities? A realistic setting?

3. The theme of physical abuse by parents, its prevalence, being reported to authorities, Social Services stepping in, the police? The priority of protection of the children? The lack of investigation to justify the innocence of the parents? The film as an accusation of authorities not doing their jobs properly, not investigating the accusers? The parents' vindication at the end?

4. The picture of the Jenks family, moving to the country, Sarah's attitude towards California, vegetarian, careful about foods, the townspeople finding her too critical, eccentric? Their readiness to believe any accusation against her? Her care for her children, their accidents, going to the hospital?

5. Sarah, her background, love for Paul, love for her children? Over-zealous in care? Her meeting Sandy at the picnic? Sandy's friendship, turning up? Sarah and Paul turning down Sandy's request for money? The beginning of the rumours, the accusations, the police arriving, taking the children, Sarah being distraught? The psychiatry tests and her angers? Her being accused of being insane? Her being in an institution when she was twelve after running away from home? Her not telling her husband for fear that he would reject her as her friends did at the time? With the Social Services people, the police? Her in-laws taking the children in? Getting the lawyer, his investigating them, taking the stance? Their being vindicated? Her harsh attitude towards Kirsten at the end? The joy of getting the children back?

6. Paul, loving husband, from that part of the country, his parents living there, working on the farm, meeting Sandy, her bringing the doughnuts, her seductive manner? His love for his wife, turning Sandy down for the request of money? His shock at the happenings, supporting Sarah, desperate for his children? The happiness in getting them back? Standing by his wife?

7. Sandy, a loner in the town, friendly, friends with Sarah, seductive to Paul, being rejected? Her aunt, the phone calls, the request for money? Her anger, starting all the rumours, insinuations, accusations, going to the authorities? Her being accepted in the town? Her trying to seduce Paul? Sarah realising the phone calls, meeting the aunt, learning the truth about Sandy, physical abuse of her children, abandoning them? Her being unmasked and the town rejecting her?

8. The in-laws, good people, supporting their son and daughter-in-law, looking after the children? Disgusted that the townspeople didn't help, not going to church?

9. The children, accidents, family life, love for their parents, being taken away, foster care, their anger, fears? Being restored to their parents?

10. The Social Services people, their zeal, their duty to protect the children? Yet their believing the rumours, making false conclusions? Kirsten and her pursuing the case? Her superior? The police and their role? The psychological tests - and Sarah's thinking they were designed to make her fail? The judge, listening to the evidence? His decisions?

11. The lawyer, stern, asking Sarah and Paul for the truth? His vindicating them?

12. This kind of telemovie for the home audience, raising real issues, both sides, protection of children, the defence of innocent parents?

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