US, 1984, 100 minutes, Colour.
Brooke Adams, Susan Roman.
Directed by Marc Daniels.
Special People is a telemovie based on a true story. It focuses on Diane Dupuy, a skilled theatre teacher, who works with puppets and black light theatre for a group of retarded young adults. She is direct, plain and loud in her dealing with the adults, getting them to acknowledge their retarded disability and facing the reality so that they can develop their talents. While the film is positive, it touches realistically on the adults themselves, their choices, disabilities, home life. Hers is not 100 per cent success. In fact, the final performance of the theatre is a failure. However, the failure inspired the adults to get together, get in touch with Liberace, on whom their show was based - and thus began a career of developing black light theatre and exhibiting their talents. Brooke Adams is very strong as Diane. Liberace himself makes a guest appearance at the end.
Direction is by Marc Daniels, director of telemovies including the Laurence Olivier version of The Power and the Glory.
1. A true story and its impact? Many of the young adults acting themselves? Diane Dupuy and her insight, talent? Liberace and his support?
2. Toronto settings, the church for the rehearsals, the city scenes, homes, etc? Musical score?
3. The title, the adults acknowledging their mental disability, acknowledging their talents, getting together to put on the show, their parents and family? Their success?
4. The film as inspirational? Showing the possibilities in a gifted teacher and in students responding?
5. The portrait of Diane: strong, loud, her plan and vision, her background in theatre, puppets, secretary, working with mentally handicapped people, training the mentally handicapped? The collage of her interviews with the adults? Yelling, direct treatment, her ideas, explanations, the rehearsals? Her treatment of each of the group as individuals? Her concern about Julie and her prostitution, Julie walking out? Robyn and her tantrums, her mother threatening to sue, the angers, Robyn wanting to stay? Going to visit Doug and his family? Bernardo's mother appealing to her and her drawing him out, getting him to work, getting him to perform? Her ability to handle his facial disfigurement and encourage him? Her hopes? Her friendship with Bernard, his being a good listener? Annie and her wise support and enthusiasm? Meeting the doctor, the interviews with him, his final decision against the grants? Meeting the parents?
6. The presentation of the young adults: the collage of the interviews, their abilities and disabilities, their answers? The nature of their mental handicap? Inability to read or write, slowness of wit, lack of knowledge, lack of practical know-how? The effect of belonging to the group, changing the self-image, seeing the black light theatre, the growth in belonging, bonds together, attacking one another, the haphazard nature of the rehearsals? Gradually learning, the details of their performance? The question as to who broke the black light and their banding together? Celebrating?
7. Annie, her ability, support of Diane, working with the group, wisdom?
8. Bernard and his friendliness, listening to Diane, being there for her?
9. The doctor, his interest, his final decision against the theatre?
10. The poor performance in the recital, shouting, haphazard, out of timing? Diane's angry and sad reaction? The information about Liberace, their coming together and finding Diane? Liberace, Las Vegas and the outline of their career?
11. The sketch of the various individuals:
- Julie, belonging, prostitution, Diane trying to speak to her, bringing the man to the theatre, her option against the show?
- Robyn, her anger and tantrums, her mother coming and threatening to sue, the breakdown, her wanting to belong, trying to control her anger? Brenda, her clothes, changing her clothes, the shoes? The encounter with Robyn and her anger?
- Bernardo and his mother, alone, the hat and the scarf, work, revealing his face, Diane's support, his performance? Doug and his wealthy parents, moving the piano, cups of coffee, in love with Diane, her visit to his home, his initiative with the Liberace ad?
- Benny and his not knowing his right hand, the finale with him being lost and asking people for directions?
- The various members of the cast .... to themselves: Albert, Greg, Len, Brenda, Renato as Bernardo?
13. The quality of the idea, the support of authorities and parents, creativity? The Famous People's players?