US, 1985, 90 minutes, Colour.
Ricky Schroeder, Patti Duke Astin, James Farentino, Annie Potts, Fred Dreyer.
Directed by Lou Antonio.
Something So Right is a telemovie featuring Ricky Schroeder in the years after he made The Champ and Little Lord Fauntleroy. He is a disturbed boy, especially after his parents' break-up. Patti Duke Astin portrays his exasperated mother. Fred Dreyer appears as his football champion father. In desperation, the mother goes to the Big Brother Association and Artie, the owner of a club, awkward in his manner, is assigned to the young boy. The relationship starts out awkwardly, especially with Artie's inability to play sport. However, with his awkward manner, paunch, yet willingness to support Joey, his stand-up jokes and routines, a bond grows between the two. However, the mother falls in love with him as well, prompting jealousy on the part of the boy. A visit from the father, self-preoccupied and interested in his fans rather than his son, consolidates the new situation.
1. American telemovie, for the home audience, a domestic and social situation, dramatising the possibilities for a young boy?
2. The home, school, sports fields, restaurants and clubs? Authentic atmosphere?
3. The title, the emphasis on the characters and their relationships, the fragility, yet the final success?
4. The situation, the divorce? Joey and his being disruptive at school, shoplifting, the police, blaming others? His mother and her trying to hold her job, her exasperation? The irritation, lack of communication? Joey idolising his father?
5. The reaction of the police, of the school principal? The vocations adviser and his talk about Big Brothers? His sympathy, contacting Artie and setting up the relationship? Joey and his initial unwillingness, his finally giving it a try? His emotional dependence, emotionally desperate?
6. The poor beginning of the relationship, Artie and his jokes, his appearance, balding and paunch? His inability with sport? The jokes and the stand-up routines? Joey's resistance? Jean's puzzle? Joey getting used to Artie, their going out together, Artie making the effort? Taking him to his club, meeting his partner? The revelation that he could cook, knew something about sport, could teach Joey many things? The blossoming relationship - and Jean still puzzled? Artie being late and Joey's reaction, Jean's explanation of his feeling abandoned? Artie and his apology? The shared experiences, Joey wanting to be with Artie, going away on the weekend, the camp? Jean and her change of heart?
7. Jean, the discussions with Artie, their falling in love? Joey and his suspicions? His hostility?
8. His father, absent, the sports commentary, the champion? His coming to visit, taking Joey out, his attitude towards Artie? Playing football, asking could he go and talk with the fans, going to have a drink with them, neglecting Joey? Joey leaving? The fight between Jean and her husband? The change of heart in Joey and his seeing other possibilities?
9. The routine with Artie at the club and its success? The happiness with Artie, the fulfilment of his three wishes that he had written for the guidance director?
10. The discussions about the relationship, the possibility of their forming the basis for a new family? Their future?
11. Contemporary themes, marriage break-up, the effect on the partners, the effect on the children? The need for parental presence in their lives? The male figure for the boy, bonding, role model? A film showing hope in difficult situations?