US, 2013, 117 minutes, Colour.
Michael Douglas, Matt Damon, Dan Aykroyd, Debbie Reynolds, Rob Lowe, Scott Bacula, Paul Reiser.
Directed by Stephen Soderbergh.
Audiences have been promised a biopic of Liberace for a long time. Production companies hesitated. It is a story of a (very) camp pianist, about gay relationships, about an AIDS virus death in the 1980s. He has been dead for almost three decades, so is not a household name as he was in his heyday (or years). However, Home Box Office decided to film Richard La Gravanese’s screenplay and Steven Soderbergh directs and is, as usual, director of photography using a pseudonym, Peter Andrews. It screened on American television but in cinemas around the world.
This is a lavish production. Las Vegas performances are re-created, the lush staging and the costumes Liberace and some of his associates wore (literally incredible with fur, glitter and trains). It is a frank story, going behind Liberace’s façade as heterosexual, taking us into his quite promiscuous world, descending into some sex addiction, his strong relationship with the young Scott Thorsen, his final illness.
Those who remember Liberace will be fascinated (some may be dismayed) by this portrait of the artist as an older man. Those who do not remember him may find this picture of California showbiz and its exuberance, extravagance and reality behind the façade, ( part of which was the candelabra on Liberace’s piano, symbol of his showmanship), not what they might have been expecting.
The time span of the film is 1977 to 1987 and the death of Liberace. It is based on Scott Thorsen’s 1988 book. Thorsen still lives in Reno (when he is not in court or in prison) and is happy with the film. Liberace seems to be at the peak of his popularity, though he had been performing for decades. There seemed to be nothing to stop him with his resorting to face lifts. But his private life and proclivities caught up with him.
Michael Douglas would not be the first actor in most people’s minds to portray Liberace, but he does so with flamboyant style as well as giving some depth to the portrayal. But, Matt Damon, with the less showy part, is quite convincing as Scott Thorsen, from naïve young helpful, through smitten lover, to bitterly discarded companion. He has to play straight man (so to speak) to Douglas’s camp exuberance. There is some interesting casting (and make-up and wigs) for Dan Aykroyd as Liberace’s sometimes venal manager, Debbie Reynolds (at 80) as Liberace’s mother and Rob Lowe as one of the most sinister-looking and stoned plastic surgeons to be found in Hollywood.
For many, this may be more than we want to know about Liberace. On the other hand, it offers a sound dose of reality to the images of celebrities who seem to be real only when they are on show or in the gossip columns and magazines.
1. Audience knowledge of Liberace? Important or not? The film as biopic, as portrait, as showbiz story, as a film about relationships, gay relationships, the gay world, the AIDS virus?
2. HBO producing and releasing the film? Impact?
3. The film based on Scott Thorsen’s book? His perspective? The flaws and qualities in himself, in Liberace? An overall sympathetic perspective?
4. The work of the writer, Richard LaGravanese? Of the director, Steven Soderbergh?
5. The musical background, the spectacular performances, boogie woogie, popular songs, the range of songs? The background score? The finale and To Dream the Impossible Dream? The final song during the credits?
6. The information on Liberace and his life during his lifetime? The truth suppressed? Public relations? His origins in Wisconsin? Ability to play the piano, his mother and her sternness? Calling him Walter? His performances, the saloons? Brief film career? His success in Las Vegas? Over many decades? Playing in Radio City Music Hall?
7. His phrase, palatial kitsch? The staging of his performances, the piano, candelabra, his hairstyle and wigs, his clothes? His house, ornate, the columns, the statues, the pool, the jacuzzi…?
8. His life being seen through Scott’s eyes? The opening with Scott and picking up Bob at the bar, his working with the animals and stunt work on the film set? Friendship with Bob? His Foster home, Rose and Joe and their support, wariness about him working for Liberace? Bob taking him to the concert, his awe, meeting Liberace, the mutual attraction, the visit to the house, the poodle and his sickness, getting the medicine, phoning Liberace, the invitation to bring it, even chartering a plane? The seductive invitation?
9. Michael Douglas’s impersonation of Liberace, the performance, the piano? His interpretation? On stage, manner of speaking, displaying himself, relating with the audience, the joining in the shout for the song, his mother, response to his fans, women fans, fostering the stories about himself?
10. Seymour, his longtime agent, and his reading? Taking 10%? Protection, creating stories, hiring and firing, writing the cheques for discounted lovers and personnel? His dislike of Scott? Ousting him from the house? At the funeral, the announcement of about the cause of death, preserving Liberace’s reputation?
11. Scott, his age, experience, gay, allowing himself to be seduced? Leaving home, the quick friendship with Liberace, moving in, each side of the bed, the sexual relationship, the way it was presented in the film, jacuzzi, his being hired, clothes, the Liberace company, driving, Scott and his adulation and love? The contrast with Billy, his performing onstage, concerned about eating, sexual partner, his being ousted and paid off? Carlucci as the house boy, dislike of Scott, dress and provocation, serving food, his threats to Scott, Scott complaining to Seymour more, the check for dismissal?
12. Scott on the job, chauffeur, at the side of the stage, driving, protecting Liberace, his work in the museum and selling the souvenirs?
13. The doctor, his appearance and manner, botox? Drugs? Adviser to Liberace, the possibility of surgery, surgery for Scott? The graphic moments of the surgery? Scott requesting a dimple? Changing Liberace, looking younger? The change in Scott, his agreeing to it? Liberace seeing him as lover and son, wanting to adopt him? Visiting the lawyer? Liberace’s will?
14. Scott and Liberace together, the passing of the years? Rose and her phone call, concerned about him? Rose and her death? Liberace’s sympathy, the plane, Scott returning to the empty house, his being ousted? Liberace listening to Scott’s tantrum and smashing behind the door?
15. Liberace’s career, lavish, his sexual orientation, his story about his initial experience? The bed talk about his behaviour, of not being attracted to women, of the rumours about his marriage? His promiscuity, roving eye, going to the sex shop and Scott’s concern? His concern about Scott and the taking of the drugs? The arrival of Cary, the attraction, the repetition of his behaviour with Billy and with Scott? The scene with Cary in bed with Liberace? The screenplay’s comment on Liberace, his attitudes and behaviour?
16. The consequences for Scott, the changing face, slimming, addiction to pills, the discussions with the doctor, cocaine, stealing to pay, his being sick?
17. The sketch of Liberace’s mother, the glimpse in Las Vegas and her support, calling out? His stories about her and her bringing him up? The rest of the family? Her visit, reminiscences, forbidding him to smoke, playing the slot machine, winning, wanting a cheque? Her death and Liberace’s response?
18. The tension between Scott and Liberace, Scott wanting to go out and meet people, Liberace’s control, his tantrums thinking that he was giving everything? Preparing for the break?
19. Scott and his going to Rose’s funeral, Liberace and his tender compassion, letting Scott go, the return? The Oscars, Liberace playing, Scott watching it? The scenes of watching television, Liberace on Johnny Carson and his dismay at his face?
20. The legal sequences, the interrogation Scott, the issue of documents, possessions? The interrogation of Liberace, denials? Scott’s lawyer, explaining the situation, the documents and the limitations? His getting less than Billy did?
21. Scott working in the store, seeing Liberace’s biography and his disgust at the lies? The phone call it home from Liberace? His sympathetic response?
22. The visit, Liberace dying of AIDS, without his wig, intimacy, giving the gift of the ring, his death? The background of the news about Rock Hudson, the covering up? The announcement about cardiac arrest? The Doctor and the press conference about the truth?
23. The funeral, in the Catholic Church, Liberace’s talk about Catholicism, his healing in the hospital after being poisoned by his costume, the vision of the nun, thinking God was on his side?
24. Scott’s final imagination, the extravaganza of Liberace, back as himself, singing The Impossible Dream, flying through the air, ascending to heaven?
25. The final information, Scott living in Reno?
26. The film as more than a biopic, presentation of scandal, for the curious, for those interested in the truth about Liberace? The artificial world of show business?