UK, 1998, 97 minutes, Colour.
John Michie, Benedict Taylor, Paula Hamilton, Rhona Mitra, Martin Kemp.
Directed by Tom Waller.
Written by a Catholic author, Piers Paul Read (who had written Alive), is the 1998 Monk Dawson. Read is a more traditional Catholic and his story (still frank in its way) draws on the images of the pre-Vatican II Church as well as its transition after the Council. The novel was originally published in 1969 but the film moves most of the action into the 1970s, 1980s, with the framing of the film in 1991 and a post-script in 1997. It was written for the screen and directed by Thai film-maker, Tom Waller (Thai Buddhist mother, Irish Catholic father), who was educated at the Benedictine College, Ampleforth, where the initial action of the film takes place. Waller (born 1974) was in his early twenties when he worked on the film.
Monk Dawson is the story of an earnest boy who joins the Benedictines after finishing school, teaches for a short while, is transferred to a parish, but is sent by the abbot to work in Westminster diocese. After contributing articles to a paper, he is sent to a contemplative abbey where he realises he has lost his faith. His life after leaving the priesthood is a mess but, like the prodigal son, he comes to his senses and returns to the abbey. Not an unusual story.
What makes it important for this study is the amount of detail from Read (and his school memories and journalist experiences) and from Waller (not long out of Ampleforth) that show the life of the priest, the ethos of the priesthood and the changing church of the later 20th century as well as the kind of experiences former priests (and they were very many) went through at this time.
It is interesting to remember that this story comes from a very loyal Catholic writer, not someone who wants to attack or mock the church. This is a story of the previous church, where the priest was on a pedestal but could be toppled by authorities as well as by parishioners. This is the story of a Church in transition, 1970s style, many church members shocked by behaviour they would never have anticipated, especially by priests. But, it is story of a church in transition, letting go of the harsh grip of tradition and asking a more adult approach from its members, and its priests.
Not seen by many audiences, Monk Dawson, with its limitations as a film, is nevertheless a film that raises issues of priesthood, looking back from the late 1990s.
1. The opening? Bobby and travelling to Holy Island? The isolation, the monk, permissions, and Eddie working in his cell? Going to the top of the hill? The framework for the flashbacks? Silence?
2. 1954, the station, the boys arriving at school, the monks present, boys called by their surnames, the comment of Eddie’s father suiciding, mortal sin, the first hold on Eddie effectively by the monks? Life at school at Kirkham?
3. Transition to 1962? Preparation for high Mass, the boys at Mass, the attention to detail of vestments and ritual? The singing of Faith of our Fathers, incense?
4. The tone of the sermon, the spiritual dimension of vocation, priests and priesthood not a place for young people at the time, yet the gifts of a catholic education and true faith? Responsibilities? Not squandering gifts? Eddie and his attention to serving at Mass, preparations? his being given responsibility of the juniors? Conversations about vocation, to be welcomed? The pranks in the dormitory, his discipline? The boy in the water, not being able to swim? Eddie saving him?
5. The very British monks, clipped manner of speaking, pipe-smoking? The issue of Eddie’s feelings for the boy? This kind of friendship not a good thing? Nick it in the bud, six strokes of the cane to sort things out? Eddie and his comments of the best way of serving god is serving others?
6. The transition to ordination, the ritual, his being prostrate, putting on the stole, the blessings in the grounds, Bobby’s arrival late, praying for him?
7. His job as teaching? His negative attitude towards human nature, people able to sin? The ever questioning whether he was happy teaching? Unhappy teaching only the sons of the rich? The Benedictine way of teaching boys to lead Christian lives, contrasting with missionaries or the Jesuity?
8. The decision to transfer him to the parish, young, the reactions of the people, his sermon on poverty and the Good Samaritan, talking to the parishioners? The encounter with Molly, wanting the baptism? The secret about the father, or the possibility of it being one of the monks? The monks not wanting the illegitimate girl to be baptized, Eddie’s emphasis on spiritual needs?
9. The disciplinary issue, the boys kicking the little boy, vicious and spiteful, his saving the boy, but told not to interfere? The college’s discipline disciplinary system? Training Catholics to put with an injustice, one of the most important lessons?
10. The baptism? The liturgical text? Going out into the dark night? The monk spying? Speaking to the abbot? Eddie ushering Molly out? In the refectory, the silence and the reading, his taking the food? Molly suckling and the baby? The abbot telling the Eddie that his aims and zeal were beyond the monastery? Kirkham’s reputation? A blight on his career? The woman taking the baby and commenting on his head and his heart?
11. Transition to 1991, going up the hill, the issue of loss of faith? Going to Westminster cathedral, 1974? Sermon? Enthusiasm for Pope John? People walking out? Bobby no more a Catholic? not wanting to preach to the converted, the invitation to write articles, for solace and guidance? The possibility of saving 1000 souls? But one was enough? The issue of permission, the archbishop, kissing his ring? The archbishop sending him to a parish, Chelsea? The difficulties for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven? Even though the poor were more blessed? Eddie not to rock the boat?
12. To the church, the housekeeper and her comments, the congregation, blind or deaf? Images of Mass? The consecration? Communion on the tongue? The collage of confessions? The singing drunk, the mother and her daughter in the confessional, infidelity? Mrs. Carter and the invitation for Eddie to come to the house? Very English, very Catholic?
13. Whether to write or not? Mrs. Carter, the visit, Teresa and her manner, expelled by the nuns? Trafalgar Square, the discussion about sex and not missing it? Teresa and her attitude towards religion, the reformation, repression, casual attitude towards sex?
14. Bobby, the articles, publication without change?
15. The car, the group, helping the poor, Teresa taking photos? The young people preferring to help rather than go to church? His mistaking the prostitute for Molly? The pimp punching him? Teresa advising him that he could not save everyone?
16. Going to see the archbishop, the articles, doctrinal matters, the Pope’s decisions, keep his difficulties to himself, the church not a democracy? Eddie having to pack up, leave for the island?
17. Mr. Carter’s death, holding the mask, the last rites, Teresa upset, the tenderness, the kiss, Eddie’s response, going? The train, imagining Teresa, and the Jewish men opposite him? Arriving home, his mother, Sally and her friend’s issues? Holy Island, the bloody end of the world?
18. The office, farm work, the cell, the wishes of the archbishop for him to relax and contemplate? Not vegetarian, the sausage? His looking at the monks? Going up the hill, falling, laughing, everything seeming absurd? His having grown out of everything, Bobby more upset? His experience not making sense - emotions rarely do?
19. Becoming Mr. Dawson, taking back his name Eddie instead of John? Feeling 16 again: ‘to all intents and purposes, you are’. Sex, Bobby and his advice on women, Bobby’s sterility? New clothes? Encountering Jean? After helping her after her husband’s death? His visit to the house, her friends, the discussion at table, sex, jokes and chatter, ‘maliciously perverted’? Money, power, his comment on moral issues for the paper?
20. The visit to Jean, in love, her approach, his unwillingness, transition, the image of the broken glass? Driving with Eddie, Hugh and his welcome? Denigrating good schools and what happened after lights out? Matthew and his reputation?
21. The sex scenes, nudity, discussions, Jean saying he still treated her like a penitent, wanting him to save ‘I love you’?
22. 1997, the Jubilee Ball, dressed as a friar, his drinking, the stupid conversation about the black mass and the naked virgin, taunts, Jean stripping, Eddie vomiting, Bobby and his rebuke?
23. Jean weeping, apologizing? his article? David helping? an article: what’s it like to be celibate and discover the flesh?
24. Bobby going to Rome, Jean going with him? Eddie saying he was happy for a while?
25. The Belfast episode, Eddie’s visit, the moral dimensions of the state of emergency, his search? Father Moran? The discussions about loss of faith?
Father Moran saying Eddie was too radical and the church lost him? The articles, heavily edited, as the Irish suggested?
26. The Irish issue, Father Moran, echoes of liberation theology, the Troubles, not condemning, not condoning, speaking out when he saw injustice? For the disenfranchised? David’s editing, calling Eddie an upper class dilettante?
27. London, loneliness, the sexual experiences with Teresa, the invitation to the party, election night, marrying Teresa? Love, for all the wrong reasons? The anit- labor speeches? The Tory fat cat friends? David firing Eddie? Too moralistic?
28. Teresa in the bath, weeping, the relationship with Eddie? Eddie going to the party, Mrs. Thatcher’s election and reactions, her peace prayer? Kissing Jean, hesitant, the need for sex, the vicious lovemaking? Teresa at the different party, sexual encounter, her arguments with Eddie, wanting something from him? That she couldn’t love him because he did hated himself? Her death?
29. Eddie and Teresa’s suicide, asking God’s forgiveness, going to the church? wanting, forgiveness? Finding God in his heart? Jean and Bobby, leaving them go? His return to Holy Island?
30. 1991, the visit, and the content, working, farewell in Bobby, their not being able to tell Eddie that Jean had his child?
31. Kirkham 1997, the abbot, the son, Bobby his godfather, his going to study theology?