US, 2013, 139 minutes, Colour.
Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes, Dane de Hahn, Rose Byrne, Ben Mendelsohn, Harris Yulin, Ray Liotta, Bruce Greenwood.
Directed by Derek Cianfrance.
Three stories for the price of one, and each of them interesting. They are also inter-linked, some characters appearing in all three. It is directed by Derek Cianfrance who made an impact with his analysis of a marriage breakdown in Blue Valentine (which also featured Ryan Gosling).
Gosling is Luke, the central character in the first of the stories, a skilled bike rider in a carnival show. His life is changed when he discovers that a casual fling as he passed through a town has led to his having a son. His mother, Romina, (Eva Mendes) has concealed this from him because of his being unreliable. She is now with a considerate partner, Kofi (Mahershala Ali) who is a father to the boy. Nevertheless, the rider wants to be part of his son’s life.
Now begins a series of links and ironies that will connect the characters and new characters over a period of years.
Luke accidentally befriends Robin (Ben Mendelsohn), a mechanic who lets him stay in a caravan on his property. Admiring his riding skills, he proposes that they rob some banks which leads to an encounter with the police, especially Bradley Cooper as Avery Cross, a lawyer turned policeman.
The second story is that of Avery. He is married with a baby son. But he is caught up with some crooked police in the town (especially Ray Liotta who always looks as if he is a criminal). They become involved with illegally retrieving some of the money from the bank robberies and Avery is faced with a crisis of conscience, whether to be a whistleblower or not.
The third story takes place 15 years later with Avery campaigning to become District Attorney. We have previously seen that, despite his police inexperience, he does know how to wheel and deal. He is separated from his wife (Rose Byrne) and his son, a rather oafish and spoilt teenager with a penchant for rebelling and for drugs) wants to live with him.
But, the story is that of Jason (Dane de Hahn), the son of Luke and Romina. Jason is also something of a rebel and deals in drugs. The two teenagers meet and, while the audience knows the connection between the older characters, Jason doesn’t. He wants to know more about his father and tracks down Robin. It does not all go as we might have anticipated, Jason risking his life and freedom for revenge, out in the countryside, beyond the pines.
The film runs for two hours twenty minutes, so we have a long time to get to know and get a feel for the characters, most of them ordinary in their way. Performances are good, so we are interested to see and know more. And several of them have the chance to appear as older, especially Eva Mendes and Rose Byrne.
Both Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper have established themselves as strong character actors and they give substance and authority to their stories. Ben Mendelssohn, furthering his American career, is given a different kind of character to play, and well.
Maybe, audiences wanting something faster and more action-oriented may find it less interesting. But, for those who like a well-written and acted drama, there is much to interest and to enjoy.
1. Three stories in one? The interconnections? Development of characters, situations, themes?
2. The title, the place, the meaning?
3. The strong cast, interconnecting the stories, ageing?
4. The opening, the carnival atmosphere, the camera following Luke, the detail of the carnival, the attraction with the daring bike riding? The town, homes, the outskirts, the caravan? School, the police precincts, teenage parties? An atmosphere of realism? The musical score?
5. Life, connections in life, random episodes, deliberate acts, consequences?
6. The introduction to Luke, his work of the carnival, his skill in riding, the daring scenes, on the move?
7. Seeing Romina, her wanting to talk, the relationship, the past, the sexual encounter, his leaving, casual approach? His visiting the house, meeting her mother, discovering his son, Jason? Going to the diner, being upset, resigning from the carnival, his decision to stay, to get money for his son, wanting to help, the outings with the three, the photos, and later being in a Avery’s wallet? Romina, her relationship with Kofi and his being father to Jason? Following them, church, the authentic presentation of the Baptism, Luke at the back of the church? Regrets?
8. The encounter with Robin, getting the lift, deciding to stay, jobs and work, the company, Robin admiring the riding, the issue of the banks? Luke and agreeing? The robberies, the style, his mask, on the counters, demanding money, getting out, on the bike, into the truck, the truck closed, the getaway? The gift of money to Romina and her refusal?
9. The final robbery, the delay, the pursuit, going to the house, the hostages, the phone call to Romina, the guns, the shooting, his being wounded, falling from the window, his death?
10. The police, the chase, Avery going house to house, his experience of six months of study and law, his ambitions? The effect of the shooting? His being wounded, hospital? The official interrogation? His confused memories, photo in the paper, a media hero, his medal?
11. Avery’s family, his wife and son, tensions in the house? His police friends, at the meal, his father, the judge?
12. The police, the leader, the plan to get the money, putting on the uniforms, searching Romina’s his house, pretending that it was official, the threats, finding the money in Jason’s cot? Dividing the money, the amount for Avery?
13. Avery’s decision to offer the money to Romina, her refusal? Avery’s moral dilemma? The corruption of the police, discussion with his friend, taping him? Going to the chief and his cover-up? The investigator with the taped evidence? His deal, wanting to work in the D.A’s Office? The hostility of the official, agreeing? Avery and his friendship with his father, the judge, the judge at home with the family, listening to his son, giving him advice? The arrest of the corrupt police?
14. 15 years passing? Avery and his campaign for district attorney, alienation from his wife, his spoilt a son, the speeches, the crowds, the team? His public image? His wife wanting his son to live with him? Reluctance?
15. A. J., His age, spoilt, resentful, at school, the dining room, targeting Jason, the bond between the two, talk, the issue of drugs, Jason getting them, his throwing the party and his father’s absence, his behavior at the party, with the girls, distributing the drugs? Presumptuous?
16. The character of Jason, relationship with his mother, with Kofi? Avery recognizing him, forbidding A.J. to mix with him? Shoplifting and the drugs? A.J.
bailing him? Going to the party, taking the drugs, his behavior? Reaction against A.J., the fight, injuries, bail?
17. In hospital, in A.J’s house, seeing the photo of his father? The story of Luke? His mother’s never telling him? Googling? Discovering the information about his father, finding Robin, going to talk with him, getting a picture of his father?
18. Jason confronting Avery, taking him into the woods, beyond the pines, getting the gun from his friend, Avery on his knees, the talk, taking the wallet, not shooting him, discovering the photo in the wallet?
19. Going home, showing the photo to his mother, talking with Romina and Kofi, leaving, going to buy the bike, the bargain, riding away, to what future?
20. A free, winning the election, his speech, the congratulations, A.J. on the stand with him?
21. Slices of life and the interconnections and meanings?