Chile, 2013, 105 minutes, Colour.
Pauline Garcia, Sergio Hernandez.
Directed by Sebastian Lelio.
Chilean actress, Pauline Garcia, gives one of those striking performances, at times exuberant, at times doleful, that catches the eye and attention of jury members at international festivals.
She is Gloria.
By the finale, when the familiar song is belted out in all its energy and we read the lyrics of the song, we realise that this was, in all probability, the starting-off point for writer-director, Sebastien, to shape this portrait of Gloria.
We first see her at the dance, aloof, then merging herself amongst the middle-aged, and older, dancers. She catches the eye of an old acquaintance. Yes, Gloria is on the lookout for someone, for love, for companionship. Long-divorced, she is in contact with her son, her baby grandson and her daughter who is about to marry a Swede.
Gloria works in an office, has a nice apartment, with an irritating furless cat intruding, takes care of herself, sings happily while driving, dresses well, is comfortable. Then she meets Rodolfo, himself divorced with two daughters he supports as well as his ex-wife. He owns a theme park and Gloria enjoys a bungee jump. Gloria and Rodolfo click.
Or do they? Or is it just Gloria? The crisis occurs when she takes Rodolfo to her son’s birthday dinner, arranged by the wife of her ex-husband. Everyone is there, a time of memories, joyful, rueful and Rodolfo feels excluded. Gloria is deeply hurt by his behavior. After shunning him, she tries again. She shows her mistrust of him with the paint ball gun which is a feature of his theme park.
Gloria could have given in, taken refuge in drink, pot, self-pity. But… Then her song, Gloria, comes on, full of vitality. That will be the next chapter of her life.
1. A glimpse of Chilean life? 21st century? After Allende after Pinochet? The economic revival? Prosperity?
2. The city of Santiago, modern, comfortable, apartments, offices, streets, airport, clubs? The fashionable world? The journey to Vigna del Mar?
3. The importance of disco music, the range of songs, dances? Chilean songs? Gloria singing along? The other singer at the pre-wedding party?
4. The portrait of Gloria? Pauline Garcia and her screen presence? In her fifties? Appearance? Energy? The divorce and the years? Her relationship with Pedro and his son? With Anita, at the yoga class? Meeting Theo? Fit, fashionable clothes, hair? Her apartment, living alone, sleeping with her glasses on, the intrusion of the ugly cat? The neighbor and his disturbances, her phoning his mother? At the office? Her maid and the story of Noah and the creation of the cats? Gloria and her hopes?
5. The clubbing, her eyes on the men, her friend from the past, seeing Rodolfo, his looking at her, dancing, going home, the relationship, sexuality, partners? His theme park, the bungee jump, the paintball wars? Gloria sharing?
6. The party, dress and hair preparations, bringing Rodolfo? Anita and her pregnancy? The discussions about Theo? The presence of her ex-husband after 10 years? Flavia and her organizing the party, offering the marijuana to Gloria? The celebration, Anita and her dislike of her father, suggestions about his behavior? Pedro and the violin? The photos, the memories, Rodolfo and his disappearance, Gloria searching, making excuses, phoning him?
7. Gloria and her anger, the neighbour and his trying to get into the apartment, leaving his parcel of pot, Gloria smoking it? Her not answering Rodolfo’s calls? Saying she was busy? Taking Anita to the airport, the tension, wanting to go in, going by herself, but crying?
8. Rodolfo road and his pursuit, Gloria relenting, his explanations, his being hurt by her concentration on the family? The reconciliation? Going for the
holiday, the hotel, his wife on the phone, her accident, the discussion about mutual dependence, in the pool, sex, the meal, Rodolfo leaving? Her reaction, on the town, flirting, waking on the beach, the return to the hotel, her having to check out, her maid driving her home, welcoming the cat? The visit from the man upstairs?
9. The playing of the song, Gloria? Audience familiarity?
10. Gloria driving to Rodolfo’s house, seeing the daughters and ex-wife, the guns, the paint splotches on the wall?
11. The wedding, the party, Gloria her hair, dress, joy, dancing, the song?
12. A film about middle age, meaning of life, love and companionship, hurts? Resilience?