US, 1975, 112 minutes, Colour.
Ron Ely, Paul Gleason, William Lucking, Michael Miller, Eldon Quick.
Directed by Michael Anderson.
Doc Savage The Man Of Bronze is a film version of a comic strip character, very popular in the thirties. Kenneth Robeson wrote many books according to a formula pattern with this strong American hero. Many critics consider the film moves away from the spirit of the comic strips and is more akin to the James Bond styles and gimmicks of the sixties and seventies. Powell who had made many excellent science fiction films in the fifties, eg. Destination Moon as well as The Time Machine and Tom Thumb, wrote the screenplay as well as producing.
Michael Anderson who has had a mixed career with films ranging from Around The World In Eighty Days to Logan's Run and The Shoes of the Fisherman is the director. Ron Ely, a former Tarzan, is a strong looking central character. The film anticipates the trend towards portraying comic strip characters which was to move to a climax by the end of the seventies.
1. How interesting an enjoyable an American adventure? For what audience was the film made? Admirers of the comic strip hero, adults, children?
2. The popularity of comics in the past? The popularity of comic strip characters on the screen? The problems of how many dimensions the characters ought to have? The conventions of the comic strip when they are embodied in actors? In situations? Exaggeration, lack of cause or links? How enjoyable are visualised comic strips?
3. Comment on the style of the film - colour, thirties atmosphere, buildings and cars, city locations, South American locations? The presentation of gadgetry? A blend of reality and unreality? Realism and fantasy? The appeal of this kind of comic strip fantasy and audience response to fantasy heroes?
4. How particularly American was the film, the emphasis on the American flag at the beginning, the using of Sousa and his music? and the US in the credits of Sousa's name and the patriotic tone? The particularly American qualities of Doe Savage, his heroism, villains being frightened of him, success?
5. Doc Savage as the American hero in the light of his father and his achievement and exploration? Savage and his own inventions? The Arctic circle,. his car, buildings and their protection? The flag and the song? His solemn pronouncing of his American pledge? The American righter of wrong?
6. Doc Savage as hero?. Ron Ely's appearance, style? The Arctic and his meditation and communication with his group, the New York apartment and the assassination attempt, the time given to the long chase of the villain? The plane and its crashing? The voyage to Hidalgo, his relationship with his group, the people in Hidalgo and the mystery of his father's death? The confrontation with the phosphorescent snakes? The importance of the long trip through jungle, snowy mountains? The high mountains and the dangers? The confrontation with the villains and the Indians? The contrast with Captain Seas? the meal on the ship, the confrontation in the village? The earthquake, the snakes? A series of spectacular adventures and his coping with them all?
7. His band - the introduction to them all, their work, personalities, serious and comic? The scientific skills, legal skills? The importance of Monk and his pig, the humorous sequences with the pig? The comic strip language and discussions amongst themselves, loyalty, behaviour? Dangers? Their capacity for fighting, especially on the ship?
8. The portrait of the villains - Captain Seas and his ambitions, style? The Indians? The man in Hidalgo? the little man and the irony of his turning to gold?
9. The women in the comic strip presentation - Karen and Adriana and their glamour and seduction? Mona and her giving of information, leading them to the village, loyalty? The black and white delineation of the heroines and villainesses?
10. The comic strip material in New York especially with the spectacular effects of the chase and the take off of the plane?
ll. Comic strip adventures in South America?
12. Doc Savage as a hero of the thirties - how well does he translate into later decades? Audience response in later decades? The personalities of his assistants? How much does this reflect the attitudes of the comic strip writers of the thirties?