Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:33

Danielle Steel's Once in a Lifetime


US, 1994, 87 minutes, Colour.
Lindsay Wagner, Barry Bostwick, Duncan Regher, Amy Aquino, Rex Smith.
Directed by Michael Miller.

Danielle Steel has had many of her novels made into American telemovies, especially in the mid-90s. This is a rather more simple affair, more genial, more tearful. Lindsay Wagner is very attractive as the woman whose husband and little daughter die in a fire. Grieving, she discovers she is pregnant. Supported by a friend, she becomes a successful writer. She also becomes friendly with a teacher of the deaf who is very helpful with her son whom she learns is profoundly deaf.

The years go past, she fails to recognise the doctor's love for her, when she goes to the filming of one of her novels, she is swept off her feet by the dashing leading man. The audience can see that this is a doomed fling, and can see that she is destined to be with the doctor. However, it needs a car accident on Christmas Eve when she is knocked over to bring her to her senses.

Lindsay Wagner and Barry Bostwick are leading American stars in a wide range of telemovies and bring their genial presence to make this an acceptable glossy tearjerker - and feelgood movie.

1. The popularity of Danielle Steel's books, her characters, their backgrounds, affluence, emotional crises, struggles, love, reconciliation?

2. The title, Daphne and her talking about her love for her dead husband? Matthew and his trying to persuade her that she could love again?

3. The New York backgrounds, New England and the school for the deaf, the woods? The Californian film locations? Audiences enjoying this kind of lavish background? The emotional musical score?

4. The opening: Daphne, with Barbara, the party, her feeling alone, knocked over by the car, in hospital, the film going back to that during the flashbacks, the finale with Matt coming to see her, with her son coming? Barbara and her support? Her regaining consciousness, her being well, her love for Matt - and a future for the three of them?

5. The flashbacks: Daphne in the park and the game with Jeffrey, watching their little daughter? The celebrations, the fire, her being saved, Jeffrey and the daughter being killed? Her long grief?

6. Her going to New York, Barbara and her friendship, the strong friendship growing over the years, support, talking and listening, advice? Daphne finally employing Barbara?

7. The birth of the boy, discovering that he was deaf? Going to learn sign language, the meetings with Matt, his advice about schools, her resistance? Her possessiveness with Andrew, always with him, protective? Her finally being persuaded that she should take him to a school, meeting Matt again?

8. Andrew, as a little boy, the discovery of his deafness, growing up, always being with his mother, not having any friends, the birthday parties, Barbara, his mother doing everything with him? His having to go to school, his response, Matt as a father figure, very good at soccer? Daphne and her moving to the neighbourhood, ever-present with all the jobs in the school? Putting him to bed at night? His growing up, his growing independence of his mother, yet the bond with her? Going fishing with Matt, seeing him as a father figure? His mother's absence in Hollywood, going to the party, seeing her kiss Justin, his reaction, her calming him? Christmas, going skiing, to the hospital? A future with Matt?

9. Daphne, coping with her grief, going to work, writing, workaholic? Her publications, success? Barbara employed by her? The further success of her books, book signings? Hollywood, her going, being away from Matt, the phone calls, the visits? Being swept off her feet by Justin, the affair? Her expecting him to love her son, his cavalier attitudes, going off when he wished, her leaving him? Her pensiveness and the accident?

10. Matt, his skills, his family story, his deaf sister? Teaching, writing, running the school, genial, devoted to Daphne, yet not pushing himself on her? The visit to California, his stepping back for Justin? Her misunderstanding Harriet's presence? His going to the hospital and declaring his love?

11. Justin, the Errol Flynn-style film star, acting, the affair, declarations of love, not being bound down, not relating well to Andrew?

12. Barbara, the genial friend, the support?

13. An easily presentable story, characters, crises? At a soap opera level - but an opportunity for people to reflect on characters and themes?