Italy, 1953, 109 minutes, Black and white.
Alberto Sordi, Franco Fabrizi, Franco Interlenghi, Leopoldo Trieste, Riccardo Fellini.
Directed by Federico Fellini.
An early film by Federico Fellini. It is a portrait of young men in the post war period, sometimes irresponsible, sexual relationships, marriage and infidelity. It was made in the aftermath of Italian neo-realism. It set something of a tone for the next films made by Fellini, Il Bidone which was followed by the classic, La Strada and Nights of Cabiria
1. The significance and emphases of the slang of the title, indication of characters and themes, of style?
2. Overall structure of the film, a sprawling detail, the focus on particular characters, interplay of characters within the environment of the town, emphasis on an accumulation of incidents?
3. The background of Italy in the 1950s, atmosphere of small towns, rootless existence of young people there, futility of many with their behavior and attitudes, Italy and the recovery after the war, availability of work and opportunities, possibilities for responsibility and the exercise of it, the shifting values, the cuts from the traditional social and religious past, the inability to adapt to the post-war present? The effect of this on each of the characters?
4. The black and white photography capturing the atmosphere of the town, its streets and buildings, theatre, cafes, houses, the rooms where people lived and interacted?
5. Portrayal of Italian families, structures within the family, spheres of influence, nature of inter-relationships, accountability for behavior, the variety of attitudes, traditions and the current futility?
6. Formation of the gang, morale within the gang, leadership, mutual influence, the lack of future and the sense of drifting?
7. Fausto as leader, strengths and weaknesses of character and the way these were illustrated, his hold over the other young men, relationship with Sandra? Interchanges between himself and
Sandra, his womanising, his search?
8. Sandra and the portrayal of the young Italian woman? In this kind of town in the post-war era, her love for Fausto and dependence on him, marriage? the acceptance of the infidelity and waywardness of the Italian male?
9. The portrayal of the parents, the standards and values, the influence on the young, the lack of influence?
10. Moraldo, as a character, his place in the gang, types of behavior, provoked by the behavior of Fausto, the change that came over him throughout the film, the credibility of the change, his decision to leave town, the impact of this decision? What future did he have?
11. The portrayal of the other young men and their values and the lack of values?
12. Fellini’s purpose for this film in terms of entertainment, the exploration of Italian values?