Italy, 1983, 100 minutes, Colour.
Lou Ferrigno, Sybil Danning, Brad Harris, William Berger.
Directed by Lewis Coates (Luigi Cozzi).
Hercules is small-budget tongue-in-cheek juvenile entertainment. It takes up some of the fable stories about strong man Hercules - with memories of the roles of gods controlling human lives in Clash of the Titans.
Made in Italy, the film has juvenile and fairly risible dialogue and performances. Sybil Danning leads the supporting cast to Lou Ferrigno, familiar as TV's Hulk. simply transplanting Hulk style to the time of mythology. There are interesting special effects which are imaginative but which don't have the budget to bring them to full success.
The film is an '80s version of so many popular Italian mythology spectacles of the '60s with such actors as Steve Reeves and Gordon Scott. It works only at a very juvenile matinee level.