US, 1952, 81 minutes, Colour.
Rock Hudson, Robert Ryan, Julia Adams, John Mc Intyre, Raymond Burr, Dennis Weaver.
Directed by Budd Boetticher.
Horizons West is a very entertaining Western, directed by Budd Boetticher, prolific at this kind of film and an expert director of Westerns (especially those in the 50's with Randolph Scott).
The film is a typical short-running feature from Universal Studios of the 50's. They highlighted characters and plot - and still stand up quite entertainingly in later decades.
Robert Ryan is a strong star and, usually, a villain. Here he is matched by young Rock Hudson early in his career as the upstanding hero. Julia Adams has a variation on her heroine role as a femme fatale. Several actors who were to emerge on screen and on television appear in typical enough roles: Raymond Burr as the sadistic heavy, James Arness as the genial Western rancher, Denis Weaver as the assistant with the deserters from the Civil War. John McIntyre? appears, as so frequently, as a rancher and a parent.
The film has a post Civil War setting, the disruptions in Texas after the war with the carpet baggers from the north, the absence of the Texas rangers, the building up of the cattle industry, rustling and the opening up of the railroad - as well as showing the corruption and money-making in the period.
1.Interesting and entertaining western? Texas? The aftermath of the Civil War? Law and order?
2.The Texas settings, the open plains, the city of Boston?
Action sequences? Musical score?
3.The archetypical title and the focus on the West? The vision of the west? The work of Bud Boetticher and his perceptive westerns.
4.The Civil War and its effect? The north and its coming into the south to make money? The defeated southerners, wanting to resume their lives, unsettled by the War, wanting to make money? Breaking the law? The confrontation within families?
5.Dan Hammond, a major, the experience of the War? Older brother, unsettled? Wanting to make money? The attraction of Mrs. Carden, getting the money from his friend, the poker game, the clash with Carden? His decision to go to the outlaws, the fight, Dandy and his support? The cattle rustling? The making of money? The Mexicans in the Zona Libre? Paying off his father's debt? The clash with Carden? The attraction to his wife? Business deals, law and order? Using the documentation, the coming of the railroad? His suave manner, his double life? The death of the authority before he went to Washington? His being taken, wanting security, the lynching parties? Neil putting him in the prison, in the crypt - and his killing of Tiny? The escape, Zona Libre, Mrs. Carden coming to him? His father wanting to take him back, the confrontation with Neil, his father as hostage? The shooting and his death?
6.Neil, the upright younger brother, family, attracted to Sal? Working with his parents? The anniversary party? Finding out the truth, confronting Dan? Law and order, taking on the office? Wanting his brother to be tried, the escape, the final confrontation? The happy ending and the ranch?
7.Harden, the northerner, sadistic with his wife, the deals, gambling? Torturing Neil? Confrontation with Dan and his death? His henchman?
8.Tiny, genial, his family? The good man of the West? Guarding Dan, asking him the questions, shot?
9.Ira and his wife, ranchers? Paying off the debts? Glad to have the family home? Neil and his devotion, the pain of Dan's behaviour, law and order? Ira going to get his son?
10.The authorities, helping Dan with his money? Seeing him break the law, the confrontation, the attempt to get Federal help? The murder? The corrupt judges and marshal? Informants?
11.Dandy, the experience of the War, the deserters, the wild behaviour, outlaws, the fights? Organized with Dan, the cattle rustling? The shoot-outs?
12.Themes of the Civil War and its aftermath, a new United States, the opening up of Texas, law and order, money makers? The romance and heroism of the West?