US, 1083, 94 minutes, Colour.
Rob Lowe, Andrew Mc Carthy, Jacqueline Bissett, Cliff Robertson, John Cusack.
Directed by Lewis John Carlino.
Class is directed by Lewis John Carlino, author of The Brotherhood and The Mechanic, writer of such films as Resurrection and director of The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea and The Great Santini.
Class resembles a number of popular films of the early '80s - sex exploitation films focusing on teenagers and schools e.g. My Tutor, Private School. However, Class is much better than these films. While it is sex comedy, it has a serious underlying vein. The treatment of the characters is not the mockery of so many of the comedies - especially parents and school officials.
Andrew McCarthy? is effective as the awkward boy who comes under the spell of the middle-aged neurotic Jacqueline Bisset. Rob Lowe, The Outsiders, The Hotel New Hampshire, is very good as his room-mate Skip. Cliff Robertson has only a few scenes as Skip's father. The film shows something of contemporary American affluent education - with its permissive and ambitious style. The film also shows the upper-class Americans (referring to their bootlegging origins and being scorned by the police investigator) and showing the problems of America's rich class. The film is seen through the eyes of the boys and is quite an effective portrait of friendship - from pranks, misunderstandings to help, to betrayal and fighting and reconciliation. An entertaining film of its kind.
1. The significance of the title: reference to school, reference to style, reference to the gap between rich and poorer in the United States? The tilts at the affluent class?
2. A portrait of America in the 80s: education, families, marriage, finance, politics?
3. Locations, Jonathan's hotel, the college and its surroundings, Chicago and its bars and streets, New York and its shops? mansions affluent U.S.A.? musical score?
4. Audience response to the film's popularity? comparisons with the youth orientation films? the college films of the early 80's? were the comparisons appropriate? differences in point of view?
5. The introduction to Jonathan and Skipper? Jonathan's farewell, arrival at college, the college atmosphere, the new boy looked down on by the older students, Jonathan as the odd man out, lifting his luggage to the room, the encounter with Skipper, Skipper's practical joke about wearing the underwear, his going out amongst the crowd, climbing back through the window? reaction? Skipper calling a truce? Jonathan's reaction - the dining room, the tears, hanging himself, the face of the Principal on the on the hanged dummy? interview with the Principal? laughing together, common bonds, the beginning of friendship? the film as a portrait of adolescent friends? Allied to rites of passage, men, manliness? sexuality? responsibility? educational prospects? betrayal, clash? reconciliation by venting anger, physical contact, fighting?
6. A portrait of male bonding, friendship, shared enjoyment, company, warmth, help, interest, support, betrayal, anger, worse off?
7. The Academy, the affluent background, its reputation, as feeder to Harvard? the background of classes, exams, cheating? lessons? sports practice, hockey? religious practice - the hymns, celebration of Christmas? (the film's attitude towards religion - accepting its place, the tradition, the taste of Skipper going to the Halloween party dressed as Jesus Christ, (even with his Cross?) socialising, dates? the background of schools and drugs and the flushing of supplies when an inspection seemed imminent? the focus on sex, reputation through the school, waiting, reality? the title of the film and its reference to education?
8. The feature of adolescents and their bravado - the pranks, the socialising, the slapstick comedy at the meeting with the girls, the committee? picking up the girls after dark, the vomiting in the car? the boys school - cards, knocking the codes, the pressure and influence? laughter with, scorn? sex and macho images and reputations? mutual help? the interrogation about cheating in the exam - Skipper's refusal to answer the Inspector and the acclamation by the bogs? by the lone teacher?
9 The police authority, his having a shower while the boys raided his apartment, their interpretation of his being a drug inspector and its repercussions, the examination and his interviews, his prejudice towards Skipper -prejudice about class and class distinction?
10. Jonathan and the farewell from his parents, the smothering attitude of his Mother? his being aloof? Initiation and pranks, his being held responsible for the mishaps at the social committee meeting? The friendship with Skipper, his decision to go to Chicago, his aplomb at the bar - his foot through the chair, how he got the black mark on his face? being rescued by Ellen? his nervousness on the roof at her being on the edge (a symbol of what was to happen)? the lift and the sexual encounter, the sexual encounters at the hotel? his response, falling in love, tenderness, erotic experiences? his gathering the flowers for Ellen? the further visits? his reputation amongst the boys, their egging him on? his lies about North Western University, the visit to New York, the line of clothes and Ellen's disappearance? his depression and staying in bed? Skipper's encouraging him?
11. The holidays and his going to visit Skipper's family? the drive there, the vulgar display of affluence and his liking it? Skipper's Father and his predictable talk about economics (the background of money made by bootlegging etc.?) The encounter with Ellen and the mutual surprise? the tension and deep feelings? the Father's interrogation, the embarrassing meal, the coming to him during the night and his embarrassment? Talking with Skip on the lake in the canoe? The hunting sequence and Father and son rivalry, Ellen ordering him off the property?
12. The continued phone calls, the pressure on Jonathan? his visiting her -and the irony of his being caught by the group, the effect on Jonathan, on Skip? Ellen's embarrassment at asking him to leave? The experience showing Skip his true feelings?
13. The portrait of Skip - affluent background, at home in the Academy, the pranks on Jonathan, the friendship, sexual reputation, egging Jonathan on? His aping Skip's style? His Mother's behaviour? His disillusionment with his Mother and Jonathan? Her getting psychiatric help? His acceptance for Harvard? His telling of the inspector about the examinations? His being hailed as the school hero? The resolution of clash with Jonathan?
14. The Father and his visit, Jonathan’s nervousness, the explanation about Ellen?
15. Ellen - first impressions at the bar, her picking up Jonathan, her tenderness - and nymphomania? on the roof, in the elevator, the sexual encounters? The credibility of the relationship? Her discovering the truth? The visit home, her drinking, trying to see Jonathan during the night, ordering him from the property, her continued phoning and pressure, the final encounter and her embarrassment - her seeking psychiatric help?
16. Jonathan's expectations that Skip would report him to the inspector? The final clash, the physical force of the fight and the reconciliation?
17. A piece of entertainment? A mirror of contemporary society? The variety of meanings of the title, education, society and class distinctions, class as quality of style and good taste?