France/US, 1969, 110 minutes, Colour.
William Holden, Bourvil, Virna Lisi, Brooke Fuller.
Directed by Terence Young.
The Christmas Tree is a change of pace for director Terence Young who made several James Bond films, a number of Charles Bronson action films and is usually linked with tough entertainment. This film is rather the opposite, a story of sentiment about a dying boy and his father's attempts to make him happy before he dies. Some audiences will find the film heart-warming while others will find it mawkish. Its anti-war theme could be important.
1. Was this a film designed for children, younger audiences or adults? Why?
2. What was the initial relationship between Pascal and his father? What was the relationship of Catherine to both?
3. Were these relationships well built up and genuine?
4. Did you understand at first the significance of the plane and the bomb dropping off Corsica? why was Pascal affected and not his father?
5. A bomb dropped off Palamares in Spain in 1966 like this. Does this make this story plausible? Could the incidents in this story happen?
6. How did Pascal's father react to the news of his son's illness? How should he have reacted?
7. Was it a good idea to give Pascal the happiest six months of his life? Was this really good for him? Wouldn't this spoil him? Wasn't it extravagant or is such trouble and expense worth it for a human life?
8. Did the presents, outings, love, make Pascal happy? How?
9. What role did the assistant play in making him happy? Did you like him? Why?
10. Were you surprised to find out that Pascal knew all the time that he was dying? How would children of his age (10) react to such news?
11. Was the stealing of the wolves extravagant? Why did Pascal love wolves and want to read about them? Were they worth the risk when you saw the fight between the horse and the wolf and the danger to Pascal?
12. Were the final sequences well done - Christmas, the tree, the shopping, Pascal's present for his father, Catherine's presence, the death, the howling of the wolves, the sound of the plane flying over?
13. Was the film too sentimental, or was it moving and sincere?
14. How was the film anti-war? Did it put its message strongly? What comment did the film make on the arms race and bombs?
15. Was the film really too much of a modern fairy-tale with a sad ending - the title, the wealthy family, the wolves?