US, 1961, 156 minutes, Colour.
Rosalind Russell, Alec Guinness, Ray Danton, Madlyn Rhue.
Directed by Mervyn Le Roy.
A Majority of One is a star vehicle for Rosalind Russell. Based on a play, it was transferred to the screen and given rather mammoth treatment: wide screen, two and a half hours running time etc. This seems to put the more modest story out of proportion.
However, fans of Rosalind Russell will enjoy her as the Jewish mother, fussing about children, going to Japan with suspicions because of the death of her son in World War Two. It gently focuses on her changing reactions, getting to understand the Japanese and her change of heart. It also is a good vehicle for Alec Guinness who impersonates a Japanese businessman. He too has suffered during World War Two and must break down prejudices. As an exercise of the '60s in fostering Japanese-American? relationships, it is quite effective in its way.
The film was directed by Mervyn Le Roy who had started at Warner Bros. with quick action gangster films, moved to MGM for lush romantic productions (many with Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon) and then moved to Warner Bros. for some lengthy and stately productions like the present one. He directed Rosalind Russell at this time in Gypsy.
1. Entertaining? Comedy fable about racial prejudice? A star vehicle for Rosalind Russell? The opening up of a play?
2. The big production values, wide screen, American and Japanese locations, the stars, the score?
3. The title and its reference to racism, prejudice, harmony, peace and love?
4. Rosalind Russell's presence and style as Bertha? The archetypal Jewish mother? Her story, her love for her husband, World War Two and the death of her son, her memories of the news, her grief after several decades? Her home? Her friends and their coming in and out? Jewish-style living, kosher meals, a simple life? Her love for Alice and Jerry?
5. The situation with her children: Alice and Jerry and their careers, their attitudes, baby, position, overseas postings? The attempts to tell Bertha about the overseas posting, her eagerness, her reaction to Japan? Her being hurt and her reaction? Apologies? The sketch of her neighbour's bigotry?
6. Her decision to go to Japan? The comedy about the flying and her fears (and at the end reassuring a fellow passenger)? The sea voyage and her enjoying it? The encounter with Mr Osano, rudeness, apologies, on deck, the drill? His invitation to start again? Their beginning to talk, sharing, sharing the games, the dances? Her change of heart? The change of attitude by Alice and her warning her mother against him? His leaving his card?
7. Bertha's arrival in Tokyo, learning about Japanese customs, maintaining face? The home, television, radio? Ironing? Eddie as the houseboy and her not realising she was humiliating him by doing his jobs? Jerry's anger? Her decision to go to Mr Osano to rectify the situations and Jerry's anger at her not helping with the business deal? Her becoming lost, the rain? Invited into his house, the Japanese customs, courtesy, entertainment, gifts? The beauty of the house? Her meal, the drinking of the sake, her talking prolifically, her theories about diversifying? The police and the search for her, her return and Alice and Jerry's anger? Mr Osano’s arrival, the return visit, the children's reactions? His proposal? her decision against marriage? Her mourning her husband? Her explanation to him that he was mourning his wife? Her decision to return to America?
8. The new visit of Mr Osano? Bertha's neighbour and the continued prejudice? The contrast with the American style home, Mr Osano’s adapting to Jewish ceremony and enjoying it? A future with him? The portrait of a woman, mother?
9. Alec Guinness as Mr Osano, wealthy businessman, his story, deaths in the war, the ship? The attraction towards Bertha, his courtesy, her reactions, his wanting to start again? The plea and reconciliation? Enjoying Bertha's company? The business meeting and his anger at Jerry's visit? His delight in Bertha's arriving at his home, offering courtesy, daughter, talk? His fable and the Japanese story about the proposal? The visit and his feeling hurt? Her rejection? His decision to come to America and visit her for dinner? A future with her?
10. The ways of East and West? Customs and courtesy, customs and business dealing, forms and traditions?
11. Eddie as the houseboy, his keeping face by doing his work, angry at Bertha's doing the housework?
12. Jerry and Alice - typical American style, hopes, career, push, diplomacy and bargaining, errors?
13. U.S. business officials, government, the police?
14. Bertha's neighbour and her friendship, her bigoted attitudes?
15. Themes: war, peace, racism, colour and creed?