US, 1955, 118 minutes, Black and White.
Frank Sinatra, Eleanor Parker, Kim Novak.
Directed by Otto Preminger.
The Man With The Golden Arm was considered rather sensational on its first release (sensation being something associated with many of Otto Preminger's films). Nowadays it might seem rather quaint to someone closely associated with the vast drug scene. Probably the solution to the problem seems too simplistic, as if cure could come almost from willpower alone; and the ending seems melodramatic and, finally, over optimistic.
However, the film stands up quite well dramatically, especially in Frank Sinatra's performance as the addict ? a role which must have been daring to accept and portray in its time. There are some tense scenes especially where the pedlar persuades his victim that he desperately needs a fix by telling him how he gave up eating candy. Eleanor Parker's performance is strident and melodramatic but she successfully shows her character as completely self-centred.
The famous musical theme is by Elmer Bernstein. An interesting film even if it is dated on its drug theme.
1. What did the title refer to? How ironic was it?
2. The film was made in the mid?50's. How relevant is it to the drug scene and drug problems of the 70's?
3. How sympathetic a character was Frankie? How sympathetic was he intended to be by the screenplay? Was the audience meant to identify with him? How? What impact did the musical score have?
4. Was Frankie's rehabilitation credible? Why did he take another fix? How much was due to habit. how much to willpower?
5. What was the relationship between Frankie and Zosh? Why had he married her? What kind of woman was she? Was Eleanor Parker’s portrayal of her over-melodramatic? How selfish was she? Were you surprised when she got out of her wheelchair?
6. Why did she deceive everyone and stay in her wheelchair? What hold did she have over Frankie? Why did she never listen to him and take no interest in his work? How happy a woman was she? (Note her scrapbook about her accident).
7. Was the seedy city background well portrayed, the apartments, the gambling, the pedlar, the police? Did this add to the authenticity of the film?
8. How ambitious was Frankie? Would the position in the band have really helped him?
9. How cruel was the pedlar in trying to get Frankie hooked again? (Note the sequence where he talks about eating candy).
10. Was this aspect of drug addiction well portrayed ? the dependence on the pedlar. the craving, the need for money etc.?
11. What role did Molly play in the film? Was she convincing? Why did she want to rehabilitate Frankie?
12. What dramatic impact did the card game have? its relationship to Frankie's ambitions and his need for a fix. his cheating?
13. Why didn't Zosh help Frankie more when the police wanted him?
14. Was the sequence of Frankie's withdrawal phase dramatically convincing? Was it medically accurate? Did it imply that strong will can kick a habit? How true is this?
15. Was the ending too melodramatic? Was it consistent with attitudes and behaviour throughout the film?
16. Was the ending too happy? Why?
17. What impact could this film have made in its time? its subject, and with Frank Sinatra in the title role?