UK, 1950, 104 minutes, Black and white.
Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, Cathy O'Donnell, John Hodiak, Leo Genn, Reginald Owen, Henry Wilcoxon, William Fox, Anthony O'Donnell.
Directed by H. C. Potter.
The Miniver Story, directed by H. C. Potter who made a number of pleasant comedies and dramas between the '30s and the '50s, is the sequel to William Wyler's Oscar winning and commercially successful Mrs. Miniver. Mrs. Miniver, released in 1942, made great impact during the war. Greer Garson won an Oscar for her performance and this was one of the several teamings with Walter Pidgeon. This film, made in 1950, capitalises on its predecessor but makes nowhere near the same impact. There is a re-creation of the atmosphere of the Miniver family. Greer Garson is at her radiant best and charming as Kay Miniver. Walter Pidgeon is again strongly supportive as her husband Clem.
However, the story of the post war years is slight and had been told many times by this. Cathy O'Donnell is quite sweet as their daughter Judy and the young James Fox (here called William Fox, later to appear in such films as The Servant, Thoroughly Modern Millie), is a precocious youngster. There is a strong M.G.M. supporting cast including John Hodiak, Leo Genn and a brief appearance by Peter Finch as a Polish soldier. The film also uses the perennial theme of a woman with a terminal illness facing death with great fortitude. The film was made in England with all M.G.M.'s customary gloss and style. In itself it is a pleasing if very tearful drama. For fans it is an interesting and moving postscript to Mrs. Miniver.
1. The popularity of Mrs. Miniver? Its awards and technical skill? Its emotional impact and propaganda value during the war? This film capitalising on the original? The teaming of the stars? The morale of post war England? The portrait of post war England? Impact in its time? impact now? Dated?
2. How does this film fare in comparison with the original: Plot, treatment? The impact of the peace story compared with a war story? The popularity and charisma of the stars?
3. Production values ? black and white photography, English locations, M.G.M. gloss? The cast? The score?
4. The device of Clem Miniver's narrative, his comment on what was going on and the irony of his not knowing at the time? The film's almost exclusive focus on Kay and her charm, her experience of the war, the quality of her marriage, the focus on her preparation for death? The emotional impact of the finale and Kay Miniver's death and its memories?
5. Greer Garson's re-creation of her award winning role? Her style, presence, charm? Beauty, voice? The photographer's highlighting Greer Garson's beauty throughout the film, almost a reverence for her? Audience response to her and her idealising the English woman? Courage in war, fidelity, courage in facing death? Ideal woman and mother? Kay Miniver's encounter with the doctor and her illness shaping the audience outlook on her character and the plot? the friendship with Spike, the final dance, farewell? Kay Miniver drawing on this experience for talking with Judy? The encounter with Tom Foley and her concern about Judy? Mrs. Miniver's war and Victory Day? Clem's return and her joy, Toby and his Americanism, Judy and her romantic ideas? The long sequence of the return culminating in the meal? The importance of the family being together? Her trying to get the family in order before she died? That they would have something to build on?
6. Judy and her relationship with her mother? Her love for Steve Brunswick? Mrs. Miniver's visit, their discussion? The build-up to her telling Judy about the relationship with Spike and reading his letter? The friendship with Tom and the build-up to the wedding? Clem and the question of going to Brazil? Her not wanting to change, her changing his room? Getting things in order at home, finding the right time to tell Clem?
7. The interview with the doctor, the discussion about the right time, courage in facing death?
8. The portrait of Clem Miniver as husband, father? The humour with the baseball and Toby? His work? Plans for Brazil? The visit of Tom Foley? Trying to handle Judy's situation? His sense of acceptance? The dance and his knowing of his wife's death? His final comments about the family?
9. Judy as a type, the romance with Steve Brunswick, Brunswick's army style, relationship with his wife? The importance of the sequence with Tom Foley and Brunswick? The effect on Judy? Brunswick's understanding of his relationship with his wife after talking with Mrs. Miniver?
10. The portrait of the English village during the war, the American occupation, Spike and his attachment to Kay, the farewell, the letter and his explanation of settling back home with his wife? The Poles in England and the Polish speech? The similarities of life in the village after the war, especially with the dance, the wedding?
11. Mrs Miniver facing death, coping with it? The comment about being a victim of war stress?
12. The presentation of traditional values and their being hallowed? The transition to a new world after the war? Memories of the past, the changes of the present? The audience's response in tears and sentiment?