US, 1953, 113 minutes, Colour.
Stewart Granger, Elizabeth Taylor, Rosemary Harris, Peter Ustinov, Robert Morley, James Donald, James Hayter, Paul Rogers.
Directed by Curtis Bernhardt.
An entertaining historical romance. This kind of film has always been popular and was successful at the box office in the mid-fifties with the development of wide screen techniques and the need for colourful material. Stewart Granger in the early fifties had a successful period at M.G.M. as one of their leading heroes: King Solomon's Mines, The Prisoner Of Zenda, Scaramouche, Young Bess. Elizabeth Taylor added glamour - if not a particularly good performance. The supporting English cast of this film is excellent with Peter Ustinov outstanding as the Prince Regent and Robert Morley having a melodramatic brief appearance as the mad George the Third.
The film in its costumes and decor catches the atmosphere of post-Napoleonic regency England and high society. The screenplay also attempts to contrast the emerging 19th century and the possibilities of revolution in technical progress and life styles with that of the 18th century. The film does not have dramatic action but relies rather on audience interest in its hero and in the romantic sub-plot. Not so well received critically in the fifties, the film stands up well enough as an entertaining example of romantic historical drama.
1. The popularity of historical romances? Audience enjoyment of glimpses of history, insights into historical characters, the atmosphere and look of a period? Comparisons with other historical periods, with the present?
2. The historical romance and the parallel with the historical novel? How much truth? How much reality, fantasy? The romanticising of the past? George Brummell, a symbolic romantic hero from the early 19th century? The historical basis for this story? His representing lower classes and the emerging of a successful man in regency England? The influence on the English throne and the English customs? The portrait of George the Third, the Prince Regent? Romantic facts and romantic interpretation?
3. The treatment of the historical story: recreation of period and decor, costumes, pageantry? Buildings? The music and the atmosphere of Britain in the 19th century? The strong British supporting cast?
4. The theme of the place of the individual in Britain? Class distinctions? Money? Social position and success? The changes and equalising in British society? The individual and his opportunity? The background of Napoleon and his emerging from Corsica to lead France and try to dominate Europe? The contrast with George the Third and his mental deterioration, the decline of government in England? The Divine Right of Kings and its being challenged? Pitt and the political challenge? The Prince Regent and his Right to Rule? George Brummell as the individual with influence? The suggestions of some kind of peaceful social revolution? The background of Lord Byron and his romanticism and his presence in this film? A vision of successful England, the emergence of empire? The ironies of looking back at such vision with the history of Britain in the 19th and 20th centuries?
5. Stewart Granger's presence and style as George Brummell? The elegant and gallant gentleman? His role in the military? His confrontation of the Prince Regent as regards fashion and practicality? His being dismissed? The public attack on the Prince Regent in the street speech? The encounter? The advice and the build-up towards friendship? How convincingly was the development of friendship presented? The Prince Regent and his reliance on George, their being seen in public together? The clashes with Pitt and the politicking behind Pitt's moves? The Prince Regent's promise of an earldom to Brummell? The enemies trying to separate the two and suspicious of the Prince Regent? The various incidents which showed Brummell's influence on the court - their friendship with Mrs
Fitzherbert, the birthday party and the celebration, the hunting party and the toasts? Brummell's capacity for transforming the Regent from a fop to a substantial man, politician, potential king?
6. The contrast of the Prince Regent with Brummell - Peter Ustinov's appearance and style compared with that of Stewart Granger? The two Georges? The clash about the uniform, his pouting, the interview with Brummell and his hostility, his gradually listening to him, following his practical advice, delighting in his friendship? Exercise and diet? Reflection on Pitt, on the Divine Right of Kings, his future rule?
7. The sub-plot of the Lady Patricia and Edwin? Familiar material and its being integrated into the political plot? Elizabeth Taylor's style as Patricia? Her fascination with Brummell, slighting him, visiting him? The engagement and her decision to marry Edwin? The clashes as well as the passionate visits? Her final encounter with him and her pity for him? What might have been? Edwin and his role at the English court, friendship with the Regent? Clashes with Brummell? Trying to help Brummell at the end? The honourable Englishman?
8. The development of the bond between the Regent and Brummell? The hunting party, the engagement? Mrs Fitzherbert and her place at the court, her future if George became king? The importance of the sanity of George the Third and the various declarations? The scenes with Robert Morley and his brief indications of the unhinged monarch, his relationship with his sons, his sensing his victimisation, his death? The politicking about the limited Regency of George? Pitt's victory? The build-up to a clash with Brummell? The foolishness of the clash and neither being reconciled? The public insults especially about the fat friend?
9. The transition to Brummell's exile his illness and presence in Calais, the discussions about the book and his burning the manuscript? His sense of honour? The importance of James Hayter's portrayal of his loyal valet?
10. The visit of the Regent to Calais, the pomp and circumstance, Edwin and Patricia with him? The fight in the street and Brummell's loyalty? The procession passing by? The visit of the Regent and the reconciliation?
11. The portrait of Mrs Fitzherbert - her relationship with George, her place in the court, gossip and criticism, her not being allowed to be the Queen of England?
12. The sketch of Byron and his place in English society at the time - reputation, poetry, place in the aristocracy, friendship with Brummell, romanticism yet criticism of the times?
13. The film's indication of Pitt and his place as Prime Minister, the issues he was facing, his wisdom in estimating the Regent's character and Brummell's influence?
14. A satisfying historical romance as an entertaining story, a dramatisation of a particular period and its social and political issues?