US, 1988, 127 minutes, Colour.
Tom Berenger, Debra Winger, John Heard, Betsy Blair, John Mahoney, Ted Levine.
Directed by Costa Gavras.
Betrayed was written by Joe Estzerhas (Jagged Edge, Checking Out, Basic Instinct) and is an exploration of right wing extremism in Middle America. It was directed vigorously by Costa Gavras, director of such political films as Z, The Confession, State of Siege, Special Section, Missing.
The film was poorly received in the United States, accused of being exaggerated and ludicrous, especially the screenplay. However, audiences outside America were impressed by its look at the move towards neo-Nazi style fascism.
Debra Winger is a vigorous heroine, infiltrating a community to investigate the murder of a controversial radio personality (briefly but excellently played by Richard Libertini), Tom Berenger is an attractive widower (Betsy Blair his mother) who eventually turns out to be the head of a group of neo-fascists. The agent falls in love with the farmer but has to infiltrate the group further and ultimately bring him to justice.
There is a good supporting cast including John Mahoney as one of the fascists and John Heard as an investigator. The film is quite emotional in its presentation of the relationship, the introduction of the farmer's children. It is also emotional in the pressures put on the agent as she falls in love but is repelled by what she sees. There is also the final confrontation in her bewilderment after having to kill the farmer.
This is one of a series of films about neo-fascism in the United States in the late 80s and includes such thrillers as Burt Reynolds' Malone, Don Johnson in Dead Bang.
1. The impact of the film, its themes and treatment? Reception by American audiences?
2. The Midwest locations, Chicago, Middle America? Farm life, homes, church? The meetings and the rallies? Musical score?
3. The title and its references: to Gary and the United States, to Cathy, to his family? Cathy and her relationship to Gary? American betrayal by neo-fascists of Constitution ideals?
4. The opening with Kraus and his radio programme, the frank talk, the phone-ins, the talkback phenomenon, issues, sex, religion, race? His provocative style? The angry callers? The assassination in the car park? The posters round the countryside, the FBI, starting an investigation?
5. The contrast with the wheat fields of the Midwest, Cathy working the harvester, meeting Gary, the children, giving then rides, the homeliness of the Deal, friendship with Mrs Simmons, the bond between Cathy and Gary, meeting together, falling in love, sexual liaison? Her going back to the favourable comments about Gary, their interrogation about guns and ideas?
6. Cathy and her relationship with the F.B.I., her background and recruitment? Michael and the officers? Their discussion, his gut feeling, their work and theories? Pinpointing Gary, the evidence? Urging Cathy to return? Giving her the gun?
7. The visit to the church, the teaching, the condemnation of America? Amen? Gary and the dispute, the people avoiding him? His outbursts? His explanation of himself, his inviting Cathy to go to the hunt? Her going, Shorty and the others present? The set-up of the hunt, the dogs, the black and sending him out with five bullets, catching bin, wounding him, inviting Cathy to shoot him? His being killed? Gary's explanation that he wanted to show her the extent of his love and for her to understand him completely?
8. Falling in love with Gary, their passionate encounters2 The effect on each? Her ease with the children, playing with her, goodnight, the secrets and her shock at listening to their racist attitudes? Cathy and her trying to fit in? Being taken to the camp, Amazing Grace and the Ku Klux Klan rally, the burning cross? The shooting practical and her learning to shoot? The racist school for the children? The rendezvous in the night, Cathy following, the danger, Wes catching her? Wes aware of the truth, telling Gary that she was F.B.I?
9. The political candidate on television, his aid? At the camp, his speech, his adviser, Gary hostile? Gary and his computer, the lists of the network, the list of victims?
10. Gary and his explaining his life (and the F.B.I. information)? His father. suicide, Vietnam war and his rescue and decoration, his wife and the estrangement, her dislike of his bigotry, her trying to influence the children, leaving, Wes murdering her in California? His bond with Cathy? Her not wanting him to be hurt again? His showing her the list? Wanting to marry her?
11. Cathy and her going back to the offices, the waiting two hours and the tension, supplying the information and the lists, their being photographed? Her phone calls in the middle of the night? The build-up to the robbery, her participation her shooting the guard? Wes being shot by the F.B.I. agent and thus freeing her? The plan for Denver?
12. The ending of the film, the aide arriving and giving the truth to Gary, giving the file on Cathy? Gary not telling her? In the night, holding her hand? Going for the hit, the change of plan, Cathy's devices to contact the F.B.1? In Chicago, on the roof, Gary asking her about the truth, her arresting him? Having to kill him? The alternate sniper for the assassination? The aide and the original plan to take over, his going on television?
13. Cathy and the effect on her emotionally, wandering the countryside, the seasons passing, going back to the children, re-meeting Rachel, her waving goodbye, the secret, Hope for the future?
14. The sketch of the minor characters, the children, their charm, their racist indoctrination? Gary's power? And his checking with her on the phone about Cathy ringing?
15. Shorty, Wes, the ordinary personalities of the farmers, yet their racism and bigotry? Their presumption about pure America?
16. The sketch of the F.B.1. agents, their work, their hypotheses, phone calls and cover stories?
17. The spread of right-wing groups in the United States and around the word in the late 80s, neo-Nazism? The credibility of the film?