US, 1955, 125 minutes, Colour.
Gregory Peck, Tony Curtis, Angie Dickenson, Eddie Albert, James Gregory, Bobby Darin, Robert Duvall.
Directed by David Miller.
Captain Newman, M.D., is interesting comedy-drama, trying to communicate to a general audience something of the need for an understanding of a human psychology, that mental illness is real illness and not sham or cowardice. The scene is World War II which puts the action in a past that is still within memory and safe for showing men with nervous breakdowns. An audience can be 'on side' in looking at the men suffering in World War II, and can then make the necessary transition from the 1940's to the present day.
Gregory Peck suits the part of upright, faith-in-his-mission Captain Newman. He is assisted by Tony Curtis in an entertaining American style comedy performance. In fact the whole film is a popular mixture of serious problem drama, romance, sentiment and comedy. Bobby Darin and Eddie Albert (for young and for old) act well as neurotic patients.
1. Comedy or a drama?
2. What was the theme of the film?
3. The film dealt with a difficult question of mental health further complicated by the war situation. What message was it trying to get across to the general public? Considering it as a popular film, with box-office stars. do you think it had an appeal and communicated its message?
4. Why was the commanding officer out of sympathy with Captain Newman's ideas and methods? Considering the war and expecting people to be afraid, do you think he had many grounds for his attitudes?
5. What effect did Captain Newman's first rounds of the wards make on you? Did it convince you that he was right?
6. What was the nature of these men's illnesses? Why did they crack up? How could they be cured?
7. Was Tony Curtis' role merely for comic effect, or did the orderly really help the men in their illness?
8. The episode of the insane major - 'Mr. Future'. Does this kind of thing happen to people? Could he have controlled himself, admitting his situation? What responsibilities had been too much for him? Why did he kill himself? Was he in full possession of his faculties when he killed himself?
9. Little Jim - why did he crack up? What facades did he put up? How was he cured?
10. Paul - why did he crack up? Why his silence? Why did he react to his wife's visit as he did? What part did family reputation and honour have in his illness?
11. Did this film help you to understand human nature a little better?