Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:26

Cattle King/ 1963


US, 1963, 89 minutes, Colour.
Robert Taylor, Joan Caulfield, Robert Loggia.
Directed by Tay Garnett.

A routine western from the early 60s when Robert Taylor had passed his peak. Joan Caulfield had been an attractive leading lady of the 40s and 50s. Robert Loggia was at the beginning of a successful career as a character actor. Director Tay Garnett had made many successful dramas at MGM in the 50s and 60s, including The Postman always Rings Twice and was now at the end of his career. A time-passer.

1. An enjoyable and popular western? The routine ingredients: ranches, Wyoming, cattle clashes, the President? How well presented? The American heritage and traditions?

2. Colour photography, landscapes, wide screen? The ranches, the terrain, the towns? The musical score? A Robert Taylor vehicle?

3. Audience expectations about the rights and the wrongs of ranchers, cattle-running, the depletion of grass, gunfighters, gun warfare, unscrupulous businessmen?

4. The plain presentation of the plot, the unsentimental presentation, the large rancher as hero, the heroine and her death. the small ranchers and their clashes? The basics of the western clashes?

5. Sam Brassfield as a man of the west? As embodied by Robert Taylor with his style? His property, manner of running his ranch, his authority? Johnny Quattro as his assistant? The clash with Matthews and his gang men? His attraction towards Sharleen? The possibilities of marriage, their being cut short? Friendship with the President? The help to Clevinger? The build-up to the final confrontation? A western hero?

6. The contrast with Matthews as villain - his plans, cunning, the gunfighters, double-dealing and exploitation, the final clash and violence? The attacking of the small ranchers' farm? His defeat?

7. Sharleen as heroine - her smaller ranch, family, friendship with Brassfield, the suddenness of her death? The emotional impact?

8. Johnny Quattro and his role on the ranch, aid, the final fight?

9. Clevinger as representing the small holders, their difficulties, Matthews and his pressure, the ranch and the fire, his injury, suspicions of Brassfield and joining him?

10. The portrait of the President, his background, his tour? The build-up to his visit, the town? The President and his wife? The encounter with Brassfield, the discussion of rights, reform?

11. Basic western issues, audience response, plot and characters? Satisfying entertainment?

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