Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:26

Casque D'or/ Golden Marie


France, 1952, 96 minutes, Black and white.
Simone Signoret, Serge Reggiani, Claude Dauphin, Raymond Bussieres.
Directed by Jacques Becker.

Casque D’ Or (Golden Marie) has become something of a classic of French cinema of the 50s. It is noted for its period re-creation of the 1890s and the atmosphere of Paris at the time. It is also an effective melodrama showing relationships and clashes and the atmosphere of criminals at the time. The film is also noted for the performance by Simone Signoret who was at the peak of her career and popularity in France - later in the decade she was to win an Oscar for her performance in Jack Clayton's Room at the Top, 1959.

1. The impact of this French drama today? Its success and notoriety in the early.50s? The reasons for different response?

2. Techniques of black and white photography, the memory of the French heritage? The film as a moral drama, as a melodrama?

3. How well was an age reconstructed, the presentation of society, the visualising of the painting of the end of last century?

4. Comment on the basic ingredients of the plot. The ageless melodrama of human relationships; the down-and-outer, the woman who enjoys life and traps men? The clash of power and the innocent victim? Anger and hatred, love?

5. The impact of the opening with the canoes, the atmosphere of the dancing, and the quick change of moods? The quick introduction of characters and their style? How well did this involve audiences immediately?

6. The film's focus on Marie as central: her way of life, her style and personality, her profession as a prostitute, her relationship with the gangs, a gangster's moll despite her vivacious personality? Unstable in her affections? What kind of woman was she? How sympathetic was the film-maker, how sympathetic the audience to her?

7. The immediate impact of the hero? As out of prison, chip on his shoulder, his capacity for work, his impetuousness, his capacity for anger? How sympathetic?

8. The meeting of Marie and the hero? The use of the dance for their meeting, the emotional impact of their encounter? The reason for their growing in love? Their mutual needs, the quality of their love? The romantic aspects of the consummation of their love? How realistic, genuine?

9. The contrast of the love with the hatred of the gang, the types that were the criminals in Paris? Comment on the attention to detail of the way of life of these gangs and types,

10. The contrast of Felix with the hero? His control, his jealousy, his contriving crime? How unsympathetic were we to Felix? How did this help us to like Marie and the hero?

11. The impact of the murder? The reasons for its happening? Blame?

12. Comment on the further development of the relationship between Marie and the hero? Why did it develop? Their growing dependence, considering the difficulties of their situation and way of life?

13. The melodramatics of the shoot-out?

14. The importance of the condemnation and death? The dramatic impact of Marie watching it? Our watching it through her eyes?

15. The impact of the execution on the hero? Audience attitudes towards capital punishment?

16. What insight into the workings of fate? Fate and chance? The working class types and the hardness of their life? The criminal element of a city? The consequences of a dance and an encounter? How was this film?