US, 1976, 98 minutes, Colour.
Sissy Spacek, Piper Laurie, William Katt, John Travolta
Directed by Brian de Palma.
Carrie is an outstanding shocker and was named as one of the ten best films by Time Magazine in 1976. Another directed by Brian de Palma, Obsession, was also in the list. Psychologists will probably have a field day for some time exploring Carrie as a parable of human nature and a symbol of modern America. Young Carrie, still at high school, is a victim. She is disliked, patronised, loved. Externally quiet and commonsensed, she has within her telekinetic power. She has almost uncontrollable destructive forces inside her as well. They are unleashed. Who unleashes them: the jealous and mean students, her encouraging friends, her encouraging teacher, her religious fanatic mother, the pressures of conventions and society? All of them?
The film is a blend of extraordinary moods. There is a beautiful build up of serene joy in the happiness of the prom dance which suddenly becomes mayhem with icon-like Carrie centre stage. Sissy Spacek is marvellous in her portrayal of Carrie. She is an excellent actress (as in Badlands, Three Women). Piper Laurie was nominated for an Oscar for her portrayal of Carrie's truly frightening fanatic mother. There is also a famous surprise ending that will grab at audiences, even if they know there is a shock to come. Carrie is interesting entertainment, excellent discussion material about forces inside human nature.
1. The impact of this film on its various levels? Overall? Time Magazine included it in its ten best of the year. why?
2. The film as typically American? American at all levels of plot, theme, genre?
3. The film as a commentary on the United States in the 70s: the presentation of youth, education, generations, religion, morals, psychology and the psychic?
4. The psychological interest in Carrie herself: as victim and destroyer, as repressed and yet sane, as happy and yet being very sad? As someone who would haunt others?
5. Comment on the use of the variety of styles: the ordinary school and youth genre style, its visualisation in the school, sport, cars cruising up the streets, prom, dance etc.
6. Comment on the use of romantic soap-opera styles: the lonely girl, the kindly teacher, the hostile girls and headmaster, teacher? The down-and-outer becoming the Queen of the Prom?
7. Comment on the styles used to portray the repressed mother, her missionary zeal, her repression, religious fanaticism, violence?
8. How was the film wise in hinting only at the psychic at the beginning, the ashtray, the light globe, the mirror? How did this prepare us for the full sudden burst at the dance?
9. How well were these various ingredients and levels integrated for a total impact?
10. The opening and the various elements: Carrie as an awkward and gawky girl at sport, the hostility of the other girls and their picking on her, the transition to the showers and all the girls together, Carrie isolated, her having a shower with the emphasis on the sensual, the sexual and slow-motion, to the transition of blood, the discovery of the period, fear and panic, laughter and scorn? Comment on the variety of moods in this sequence and the impact and audience response to Carrie.
11. The importance of Miss Collins and her role as a gym instructress, as representing care for Carrie? The contrast with the headmaster and his offhand not knowing her name? The hint of the broken ashtray?
12. Comment on audience response to Miss Collins and her treatment of the girls, her taking them for detention and exercises, her strong telling them about insensitivity, her kindness in talking to Carrie and taking her aside, comments on beauty and makeup? Her questioning of Sue and Tommy Ross about taking Carrie to the prom, the build-up of her kindness, the motherly chat at the proms and the reminiscences about her own? In the light of this why did she have to die? why did Carrie in her nightmare see her as bad as the others?
13. Carrie and the English Class, Tommy Ross' poem, her comment about beauty and the teacher's reaction? His later death?
14. The presentation of Mrs White and her visit to Sue's mother, her religious fanaticism, her pressurisation, Sue's mother as representing ambiguous morals, trying to pay Mrs White off? Mrs White at home, her look, her cloak and her hair, her deep manner of speaking and religious way, indications of her repressions and madness, the confrontation with Carrie, the discussion of the period and her interpretation of it in a sinful way, scriptural readings for Carrie, Carrie in the dark with the St Sebastian figure looking like a crucifix and eyes glowing in the dark in a devilish way? The effect of all this on the audience, Carrie represented as normal despite her ignorance, her innocence, and her mother? The sequence in the room and the breaking of the mirror? Carrie trying to discuss things normally with her mother, especially the prom and Tommy Ross? The after-effect of Mrs. White's influence and words of curse?
15. The contrast between Sue and Chris? Chris as a spoilt beautiful girl, her outing with Brian, her teasing him, her language? The malice in the killing of the pig and the setting up of the revenge on Carrie White? Brian and his involvement? Their deaths?
16. The contrast with Sue and genuine sensitivity and concern, her horror at seeing the bucket and her inability to do anything?
17. Comment on the build-up to the prom and audience participation in it? Carrie and her sensible approach to her psychic gift? Her response to Tom, hesitation, acceptance? Her dress, makeup, sitting in the car, talking and dancing, the whirling motion of the climactic dance, the innocence of the vote, the supreme happiness in being Queen and crowned? How did the film build up for a crescendo of ultimate happiness?
18. The contrast with the chaos and the slaughter? The impact of the blood falling, the split screen technique, Carrie's reaction, the chaos and pandemonium, friend and foe alike seen as hostile, laughing at her, their deaths, things moving. Carrie as an icon of destruction moving amidst them? Moving down the road?
19. Audience response to the transition to the normal. Carrie and her bath, the confrontation with her mother? Her mother's decision to kill her daughter as a witch, the lamps all lit in the house? Carrie's revenge and her mother being killed like the St Sebastian statue? Her hand pulling the house down, the fire, the both dying?
20. The transition to the false peace, Sue and her illness, her mother giving clues about her sleeping, her mother on the phone?
21. The presentation of Sue's dream as reality. and yet the unreality of the cross and the 'for sale'. the graffiti on the cross, Sue's solemn procession with the flowers and the tribute, the meaning of this for Sue and what she represented?
22. The impact of the shock and its meaning?
23. What was the audience left with on receiving this shock? How did it affect what went before?