US, 1948, 74 minutes, Black and white.
Margaret O’ Brien, Angela Lansbury, George Murphy, Phyllis Thaxter, Warner Anderson, Rhys Williams, Barry Nelson, Connie Gilchrist.
Directed by Roy Rowland.
Tenth Avenue Angel was one of many star vehicles for Margaret O’ Brien at MGM, from 1942 to 1950. She won an Academy Award for outstanding juvenile performer of 1944, the year of Meet Me in St Louis.
The film is a typical vehicle for Margaret O’ Brien. She plays a young girl during the Depression in New York. Her mother is played by Phyllis Thaxter, her music teacher and absent father by Warner Anderson. However, she is devoted to Steve, played by George Murphy, who has been in jail for eighteen months, but she thinks that he has been in Australia. Angela Lansbury plays her aunt, in love with George Murphy. Rhys Williams plays a blind newspaper seller on the street corner. Barry Nelson plays a suitor for Angela Lansbury.
The film creates the atmosphere of New York during the Depression, very vivid scenes of the life on the street. However, the film was reworked in post-production and some scenes reshot – with the film getting comparatively little release. However, it was popular amongst Margaret O’ Brien fans.
1. An entertaining film of the 1940s? Memories of the Depression? Poverty? The focus on a little girl, her family? White lies and their consequences?
2. The black and white photography, the streets of New York, the apartments? The Fourth of July parade? The musical score?
3. The story of Flavia Mills? Margaret O’ Brien’s screen presence, assured presence? Her charm and attraction? Her home, her absent father and his music lessons? Her mother, her bonds with her mother, the poverty? Her mother pregnant? Her mother telling her stories? The little white lies about the mice turning into money, the kneeling cow?
4. Helen, devoted mother, wife, trying to make ends meet? Her stories to her daughter? Her support for Susan, Steve?
5. Steve, released from jail? Genial, taking the rap for others? Flavia’s devotion to him? Susan and her love for him? The difficulties of his getting a job, settling down? The decision not to marry despite the two being in love? The thugs approaching Steve, his need for money, his decision to help them? Going to the wharves? Flavia’s turning up, persuading him to back out?
6. Susan, at home, with Flavia, Helen? Her love for Steve? The difficulties of his past? Wanting to marry, the hindrances?
7. The father, his music lessons, coming home, support?
8. Blind Mac, his work in the streets, his being able to tell who was coming? His friendship with Flavia? The Fourth of July?
9. Al, his work with Susan, his courtship?
10. The ordinary life? The Christmas setting? Flavia and her prayer, her faith? The mice and wanting them to turn into money? Her taking Blind Mac’s money? In all innocence? Her hopes? Others being blamed, her telling the truth?
11. At the wharf, saving Steve? Her disillusionment about the mice and the money? People explaining it to her? Her seeing the cow bend at the wharf – restoring her faith? The sentimental ending?