Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:26

Change of Habit


US, 1969, 88 minutes, Colour.
Elvis Presley, Mary Tyler Moore, Barbara Mc Nair, Edward Asner.
Directed by William A. Graham.

Change of Habit is a good-natured film about nuns in the late '60s. Mary Tyler Moore is very attractive as the central character. The film is also an Elvis Presley vehicle - he is a doctor working in a New York slum.

The film probably seemed more daring on its release with the changes in the Catholic church because of the Second Vatican Council. It focuses on nuns moving out of their traditional habits, moving into a ghetto area for social work. The film focuses on the problems of the city - in the traditional way.

In retrospect, the film seems somewhat dated because of the changes in religious life since the '60s. Comparisons might be made with such films as Shattered Vows with Valerie Bertinelli focusing on the background to the changes in a nun's life during the '60s.

There are some enjoyable minor characters, a crusty Irish priest. a cautiously progressive Bishop. There are also some songs - and Elvis finally playing his guitar at a Rock Mass. Direction is by William Graham. director of many telemovies.

1. An enjoyable romantic comedy? With the touch of social drama?

2. A vehicle for Elvis Presley? At the end of his movie career? Songs, a more serious role?, The film as a vehicle for Mary Tyler Moore? Her work on the screen? Television? The supporting cast including people like Ed Asner?

3. Atmosphere of New York, location photography? The contrast between the convent and the city area? The poverty, ill health? Sinister aspects? The feast day celebration? Music? Songs? The final music at the Rock Mass?

4. The focus on Catholic nuns: the traditional lifestyle, life in the convent, seclusion and prayer, obedience? The opening in the convent with the traditional style, the prayers for the nuns, their going out on the mission? Taking off their habits, modern clothes, hairstyles? Their moving into the area unknown? Shopping, settling into their apartment, decorating it? Their keeping some of their religious style? Their work, its success? The irony of them crossing the road in habits and without and the differing reactions from the policeman? Signifying the change from the traditional image of the nun? The attitude of the gossiping women, of the crusty parish priest, of the Bishop, of the Superior?, The end to the experiment?

5. Mary Tyler Moore as Michelle: in the convent, the transition, her working for John, her competence (and aggressiveness)? With the autistic girl and training her?- With the Puerto Rican boy and his attraction towards her, his final attack on her in jealousy? Working for John, putting off his advances? The humorous sequences at home, work, painting, cooking, guitar-playing? The contrast with saying Grace, the visit to the church, the clash with the parish priest? The success of the experiment? Being reported to the Bishop? Moving back into the habit? The final fiesta? The return to the convent, her dilemma? Her presence at the final Mass -and the open-endedness of the ending?

6. Irene and her black background, in the convent, her caution? Strict rules in the home? Her skill as a nurse? The encounter with the blacks in the ghetto, her strong stances? Her realisation that she had escaped? Background of poverty? Her stance, her return to the convent? Her learning from the experience?

7. Barbara and her earnestness, adapting to the new way of life, friends with people in the street, the sexy attitude to get the men help with moving the furniture? Her friendship in the supermarket, her demonstration in the supermarket? Her wanting to be arrested and the cliches about police brutality? Her decision to leave? Presence at the final Mass?

8. The Superior and her concern, dilemma, with the Bishop, getting the nuns back home? The Bishop and his stance, interest in the experiment, his criticism of the parish priest, his ending the experiment?

9. The parish priest, in the church, his remarks against-the nuns and their change of habit, their behaviour? His visit to the two old gossips? His not succeeding with the Bishop? The credibility of his final change of heart and his presence at the Rock Mass?

10. Elvis Presley as John; credible doctor, his background, the accident and his life being saved? His doing good? Methods? Attraction towards Michelle? Helping, the dates? Shock to find her a nun? Visit to the convent? His presence at the Rock Mass? The open-ended ending?

11. The young girl and her autistic state, John and Michelle helping her, the therapy, her violent outburst, her hearing and speaking? Her stepmother and her gratitude? The contrast with the Hispanic boy, the attempts at help, his violent attack on Michelle?

12. The Banker and his lending money in the area, sinister attitude towards the women, his henchmen? The encounter with the nuns? Irene and her defying him at the fair? His attack on her?

13. The two old gossips and their attitude towards the church, traditions, their final comment about the changing Mass?

14. A light piece of Americana? Social conc2 n? Human values? 160s religious and church style?