US, 1972, 110 minutes, Colour.
Kate Jackson, Kathy Nolan, Katherine Justice.
Directed by Mark Robson.
Chained to Yesterday was formerly titled Limbo and Wives or Widows. It is obviously aimed at a women's audience and shows the reaction of three wives of Vietnam P.O.W.'s: the young wife attracted to another man, the mother of a family who tries to keep going, the rich wife who won't accept the news of her husband's death. In its way, it is well made and acted and has some interest because of its theme (and released just before the 1972 cease-fire). It raises questions in an easy way, asking for an emotional response from its audience.
1. The film has had three titles: Chained to Yesterday, Limbo and Wives or Widows. which seems best? Why?
2. Was this just sentimental soap opera or did it have more value than this? What?
3. The film is set in 1971. The cease-fire came at the end of 1972. How would the film have made its impact before the war was over? How does the ending of the war change the perspectives?
4. Comment on the impact and atmosphere of the war sequences during the credits.
5. Did you identify with Sandy? Why?
6. How well did Sandy love Roy? Was enough background of their marriage given? what impact did the news of his disappearance make? How well did Sandy cope? what kind of a girl was she? How strong?
7. Was the Air Force sympathetic enough and just towards her?
8. Did you like Mary Kay? Why did she help Sandy? Was this best for Sandy and for Mary Kay?
9. Comment on the impact of the wives watching film to identify their husbands? How sorry did the film want us to be for these wives? How did it make the audience feel sorry?
10. What was the significance of the Paris visit? The interview with the North Vietnamese? The letter? The film of the bombing victims? Comment on the effect on the three wives.
11. What was the significance of the Washington visit? Sharon's speech? Mary Kay's outburst and its being ignored? The Congressman and the day of prayer?
12. Why did people such as Sharon have such faith in the U.S., the President and the government and the need for victory?
13. Why were people like Mary Kay disillusioned with the outcome of the war and U.S. involvement? (The clash interrupting the lecture).
14. Why did Sandy fall in love with Alan? Was it fair of him to pursue her? (What message was being conveyed in his anti-war speech about his career?) Did Sandy handle the situation well? What could she or should she have done?
15. How did this compare with Phil's pursuit of Mary Kay? was this fair of Phil? How did Mary Kay handle the situation? What should she have done?
16. Did these episodes show the loneliness and needs of the wives or widows?
17. Why did Joe hate his mother? Was this convincing?
18. What kind of person was Sharon - wealth, society, connections, politics? why would she not accept her husband's death?
19. What was the impact of the arrival of Roy’s letter - on Sandy, on Alan, or Mary Kay? Why did Sandy go back to Alan?
20. What was the impact of the First Communion sequence? why was it included? For such length?
21. What was the impact of the news of Brian's death - in view of Mary Kay's confession to Phil, the First Communion?
22. Was the reconciliation of Joe with his mother convincing?
23. What was the impact of the ending - on each of the characters present, on the audience? what future did Sandy and Roy have?
24. How valuable are films like this? Why?