FLIGHT OF AN ANGEL (Paglipad ng anghel)
Philippines, 2011, 94 minutes, Colour.
Sid Lucero, L.J. Moreno, Christian Vasquez.
Directed by Clodualdo Del Mundo Jr
Flight of an Angel is a light fable for the Philippine audience. It focuses on a twenty-five-year-old man, living alone, having his own routine, working in accounts at a television station. Nothing startling. However, one day he gives some money to a beggar lady after initially passing her by. She collapses and he takes her to hospital where she dies.
The man then discovers some marks on his back – and gradually, wings grow. He is disturbed, goes to his veterinarian friend for advice (who jokes about the wings) but says he can’t do anything. The young man has to conceal his wings, buy clothes that are larger so that the wings cannot be seen, wears his coat at the office – and is the butt of jokes of his workmates.
An ambitious young worker flirts with him and eventually goes home with him one night, discovering his wings. Immediately she wants a story, brings cameras and a team. He escapes over the back fence and flees to the countryside to the home of his cousins. He is admired by his young cousin whom he heals when she falls ill. Then people line up for cures. The cousin goes to the reporter and she comes again for a story. However, he is able to fly away, helped by a vision of St Michael.
The man insists that he ordinary and is not worthy to be an angel and does not want the responsibility of any healing ministry. Eventually, his wings disappear. However, he has encountered a young woman who is a social worker, dedicated to good causes – and he realises that she too is an angel.
For a very sophisticated audience, this fable may be too much and strain credibility. However, in the Filipino culture and religious context, it appeals to its audience.
The young man’s name is Gabriel. His friend is Raphael. The other angel is Michelle.
Doy Del Mundo was a writer of a number of significant films in the Philippines in the 70s and 80s. He is also an academic and editor.
1. A Philippine fable? For the local audience? Audiences beyond the Philippines?
2. The visuals of the Philippines, the city of Manila, the city vistas? Gabriel’s home, the office, the television station? The nightclubs? The countryside, the mountains? The flavour of the country? The musical score – and the use of classics?
3. The title, the hero as Gabriel, his friends as Gabriel and Michelle? The vision of St Michael? A good man, serving others, his ability to heal? His cousin urging him to fly, his wariness? The title and the flight of an angel as he escapes the media? His flight from being an angel? Michelle as an angel? Rafael and his story of reading the graphic novel – and the solution that all people grew wings and were angels to combat evil?
4. The character of Gabriel, ordinary, waking, his routine, breakfast, the music, going to work, in the accounts department, the others in the office and their continually joking? His leaving the food for the poor kids?
5. The old lady, Gabriel passing her by, going back, her request and his carrying her to the taxi, to the hospital, the sisters receiving her and looking after her, his return with the gift, the news that she had died, the flashbacks to her asking the sisters to give thanks to the young man?
6. The discovery of the marks on his back, the gradual growing of the wings, his going to the restroom and discovering their developing? Their growing, his going to his friend Raphael, the jokes, his buying the bigger jacket to conceal the wings, the taunts of the friends at work, the dwarf seeing the wings and Gabriel pushing him over – and returning to pick him up?
7. The group in the office, the men and their continued jokes? The outings to the karaoke club? Their innuendo about Gabriel and Lucy? The girls, Lucy and her ambitions, her attraction towards Gabriel? Going out, going for the drink?
8. Michelle, the television studio, the children as angels and devils, the filming of the scene with the little girl thinking she was a frog? Gabriel’s attraction to Michelle?
9. The interspersing of Gabriel’s dreams, seeing the old lady again, Michelle as an angel, Lucy as a devil?
10. Lucy, going home with Gabriel, their relationship, discovering the wings? Her return, the television crew? Gabriel jumping over the wall and running away?
11. Raphael, driving Gabriel to the country, his being a vet, questioning the possibilities? His story of the graphic novel?
12. The cousins in the country, receiving Gabriel, accepting him, the father and the jokes, the young girl and her sympathy, listening to Gabriel, their walks and discussions? Her illness, Gabriel healing her? The people queuing up, the cousin organising them, the donations, Gabriel overturning the money table?
13. The cousin going to visit Lucy, her return, the hidden camera, discussing with Gabriel, his realising the truth, running away, the cousin urging him to fly, the vision of Michael – carrying him as he flew? Captured on the TV screen?
14. The young cousin, her advice, to fly away and be happy?
15. The television report, the visuals of the flight?
16. Gabriel as ordinary, declaring that he was just human, not an angel, not wanting to be an angel, the pestering of the media, of people?
17. His going to Raphael, the decision to remove the wings, Michael appearing and warning Raphael not to do anything? The disappearance of the wings after the discussion with Michael? Gabriel returning to normal, doing good in his life? Lucy’s visit, wanting a follow-up – and his turning her away?
18. The old lady at the railway station, begging, Michelle giving her something – and Gabriel pursuing Michelle, discovering she was an angel? A future or not?
19. The pleasure of this kind of light fable – and the long tradition, especially of American films, with angels coming to Earth (It’s a Wonderful Life)?